The werewolf

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Dad and uncle Jackson went to a nearby flower stall in that graveyard. It was on a side of the mountain, a little far from Queenbee's grave. There was none in the graveyard except them. Before leaving, William asked Ryan to take care of himself. But he knew dad indirectly cared about Avline.
- "Of course" his lips curved into a smile of unexpected happiness. They went off. Avline slowly moved closer to the grave.
- "Now you've your mom. Talk as much as you want."
She knelt down, touching the grave. The grey shade of the soil was really giving her the affection of a mother. Her eyes were filled up with tears of happiness. She slowly shifted her head on the grave.
- "M-mom..." tenderly said. That was the first time she was calling her mom. She never got the affection of a mother. Instead she had been blaming for the accident she was never responsible for. Avline put out a folded rose from her side shoulder's bag, slowly shifted it over, closing her eyes she seemed lost somewhere. She could feel a different aroma in the air, a few pink leaves of the tree fell over her. After sometime, William and Jackson returned. William bought a bouquet of sunflower and marigold. Avline heard from her brother that it was mom's favourite. William tenderly placed it over. Then they all prayed for Queenbee. Everyone was praying with their eyes closed. Meanwhile Avline was done with her prayer, she opened her eyes. Dad was standing next to him, lost in the prayer. The graveyard was near a mountain area. So there was an existence of primitive people. They lived on the mountain. While Ryan and Avline were walking ahead, crossing the tea garden that held in the graveyard, they saw some small wood houses on the top of the mountain. A few children were playing with fire, while a woman was barbecuing a big sea-fish, a little girl was sitting next to her, her eyes were stuck at the delicious fish. The fountain just fell down beside there. It had two steps. The fish seemed to be caught there. As some teenagers were spear fishing, getting a delicious fountain fish, they cheered out in happiness. The air drove their weird language to Ryan and Avline. It was never understandable. It was said that a gang of primitive men looted people around. It wasn't heard before. The case had come out for a year. Since there, people were a bit afraid to come here. Most of the people avoided coming here. Crossing the mountain area, in the middle of the tea garden, Avline was ahead of everyone now. Ryan was now left behind. William and Jackson were following them. On a sudden, a smoke spread all over. They couldn't tolerate it, and started coughing badly. They couldn't open there eyes properly. Ryan hardly opened a little of his left eye, four-five middle-aged primitive people were there, their face fully covered with mud. The smoke could harm them nothing. Soon Ryan got that they fell into a trap. His eyes were eagerly looking for Avline. He found her yearning badly, sitting down. He just remembered that Avline was allergic to any kind of bad smoke. So clearly her situation seemed most critical. Unfortunately Avline was wearing a diamond necklace of her mom that day. And the glaze of the diamond blinded the looters. One started moving towards Avline. He had a sharp hand spear in his hand. His spooky muddy eyes were stuck at the shining diamond, seemed that the primitive man could do anything for it. Ryan didn't get what to do. He couldn't move forward as the smoke was spreading more over there. His eyes were literally burning. William and Jackson's situation were critical as well. Jackson sat down right there. Luckily William managed to look forward. And the situation was getting more critical. That primitive man asked Avline to give out the necklace. Though that weird language was never understandable. But their body language said so. Avline clearly refused, suffering a lot. The necklace belonged to her mother. She just got it yesterday from her brother. Her mom left it for her. So she was ready to face anything but not to give the necklace away. The primitive man asked quite of times, then getting tired he moved to drive the sharp hand spear. Ryan was confused what to do. He couldn't even see them properly, nor could move forward. He felt like crying, he was so helpless that he could do nothing to save his sister. As the smoke wasn't much on their side, he managed to look back, to ask help from his dad. He was surprised to see that his dad wasn't there. He could hear him coughing just a few minutes ago. But he went missing suddenly. Uncle Jackson was slowly stepping back to the mountain road, continuously coughing, managed to cover his nose and mouth with a handkerchief.
- "Can you please get me one?" Requested Ryan.

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