Chapter Ten

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Kentrell POV:

"Pa I don't know maybe she just don't feel like talking right now." I told Von as he was stressing about Princess

When we woke up this morning after we all ate breakfast Princess has been ignoring both of us and he was tripping out

" No man I think I fucked up last night." He spoke and I shook my head

"No you didn't she took her punishment you told her what it was in the car she did it willingly she never told us to stop nor used her safe word stop stressing." I told him getting annoyed at this point

"Fuck you bitch ass nigga." Von mugged taking my phone out my hand making me stand up

"What you wanna hit or sum give me my shit bitch." I semi yelled

"Swing then bitch." He calmly spoke throwing my phone down and throwing his set up I threw mine up swinging at his jaw

"U hit like a bitch." He said hitting me in my nose I felt blood leaking out but kept swinging

We were going going for a good 10 minutes before Princess came in

"S-stop oh my god stop!" She yelled breaking us up

Both of our chests were heaving we both had blood leaking from our face

"S-stop why are you d-doing this?" She asked and I frowned at her stutter

"Baby.." I spoke trying to grab her hand but she moved back and shook her head

"No! Why are y-y'all f-fighting?" She sniffed and I shook my head

"Because this BITCH ass nigga was worried that you were mad at us about last night." I spoke and Von mugged taking his shirt off and wiping the blood from his mouth

"I'm n-not I just want some space." She said and we both mugged

"Space fa what?" Von asked and she sniffed shrugging she pulled her phone out showing us a video

It was a video of last night at that party and it showed Von grabbing her hair and yelling at her and me yelling at the people around

It also shows us dragging her out the party and pushing her by the back of her neck to the car

It was on the shade room and people in the comments were saying how they felt bad for her because they thought we abused her

"What the fuck no." Von mugged grabbing his phone going to instagram live

I quickly wiped the blood from my face and changed getting in the camera with him

"First I wanna let y'all bitch ass mothafuckas know we ain't abusin shit Princess is our baby fuck y'all mean?" Von mugged the camera and I nodded before grabbing the phone

"Yeah fuck all y'all duck ass niggas we luh that girl with every thing in us we ah die for ha so shut the fuck up." I spoke and Princess chuckled

"You guys I'm fine they don't abuse me or treat me wrong except for in bed as you guys see." She said point to the bites and hickeys

"Yeah we only went and did that shit because she was throwing ass in front of everyone ion play dat shit we ain't hurt ha she fine so fuck off our dicks that's why our relationship private now we don't post shit cuz if this shit right here." He said before ending the live

"They be trippin." He chucked kissing me I deepened the kiss our tongues fighting for dominance

"Mmmm" I moaned once his sucked my tongue into his mouth

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