Chapter Five

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Princess POV:

I whimpered wiping my forehead from all of the sweat that was on it. I was so hot I tried to get up but I was smushed between Kentrell and Von

Von was laying between my legs with his hand in my pants and kentrell had his head on my chest with his arms wrapped around me

"I-I have to get up I'm h-hot." I said lowly shaking the two

"Man fuck is you on?" Von mugged looking at me

"I'm hot." I simply said and he nodded before getting off of me and laying on Kentrell

"So he gon replace me?" I asked and he shrugged snuggling his head into Kentrells neck

"O-Okay." I said going to my bathroom and doing my hygiene

Once I came out Von was nowhere to be seen and Trell was sitting on the couch rubbing his eyes

"Morning." I said and he looked up at me

"Good morning phat." He said standing up and going to the bathroom

I followed him in there watching as he brushed his teeth

"W-where did Von go?" I asked and he put his finger up and brushed his teeth

"He went upstairs." He said rinsing his mouth out and I nodded walking upstairs

I walked into his bedroom to see him on the edge of the bed staring at nothing in particular

I sat next to him and he looked at me and looked back at what he was looking at sighing

"What's wrong?" I asked rubbing his hand and he shrugged

"Ion know I get in these modes sometimes." He said pecking my lips

"W-What are w-we?" I asked playing with my nails

"We go together real bad." He said pulling me on his lap as we both laughed

"What about T-Trell?" I asked and he sucked his teeth

"Ion know hollup TRELL!" He called out and Trell came in mugging

"Nigga don't yell my name like that Fed ass." He mugged sitting on the bed

"Go head ma." Von said pecking my neck

"Do we go toget-together?" I asked looking away due to his gaze

"Real bad baby." He laughed and I mugged what's up with them saying that?

"I wanna take you on a date." Von said groping my breasts making me whimper a little

"O-Okay." I said as he took my shirt off I didn't have on a bra so my chest was exposed

He swirled his tongue around my nipple as he played with the other one making me throw my head back holding in my moans

"Fuck." I heard and my head snapped to Kentrell I forgot he was here I instantly became embarrassed once I noticed he was staring at me

Von's hand found it's way to my shorts he slipped his hand in slowly rubbing my clit over my panties

"B-Baby." I breathed out he looked at me with a smirk his eyes full of lust

"Lay down and strip." He said and I looked over to kentrell

"It's okay baby he's not going to touch unless you want him to okay?" He said and I answered him with a yes slipping my shorts along with my panties off Laying down on my stomach

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