Chapter Thirty Nine

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5 months later

Omniscient POV:

"Baby you ready to go to the mall?" Trell asked Von who was in the bathroom fixing his dreads

"Yeah let's go." Von said grabbing his keys tossing them to his lover

The two made their way to the car kentrell in the drivers seat Von rolling a wood on his lap

"Gimme a kiss wit yo fine ass." Trell said and Von chuckled reaching over pecking his lips

The couples first month without princess was pretty hard. Kentrell was completely heartbroken and would take out his pain on Von while Von silently suffered not knowing what they did wrong for her to do them so bad.

They hadn't heard from the girl since after the night she left they didn't know where she was or if she was safe she wasn't on social media at all she hadn't posted since the day after she left and it was just a picture of her the caption saying how everyone makes mistakes.

They pulled up to the mall parking and heading to the crowded entrance

"What we here fa again?" Trell asked as they walked towards the escalator

"Just to spend money I guess." Von replied making the couple laugh

"Ight." Trell said as they got off of the escalator

The two were just walking to different stores just buying shit for about an hour and a half when they got hungry and decided to head to the food court

"What you want pa?" Von asked and Trell pouted shrugging

"Stop that poutin shit and tell me what you tryna eat." Von said and Kentrell sighed looking around the food court

"Let's get sum auntie Ann's." Trell said and Von nodded grabbing the youngers hand and walking the two to auntie Ann's

They made it to the line ordering their food and decided to just go home since kentrell became a horny mess

Once they made it home they wasted no time to rip each other's clothes off.

"Fuck I love you." Kentrell breathed as he was thrown onto the couch

"I luh you to pa." Von said before hovering over him

Meanwhile with princess ⚠️

"Amir stop please!" Princess  cried as she sat in the bathtub sobbing as Amir tried to break down the door

"Open the fucking door bitch or ima do you worse!" He yelled getting irritated with the smaller

"Please don't hurt me! I swear it's only you I Don't care about them!" She cried holding her 6 month pregnant belly

"Open the door P." Amir said calmly and princess sniffed slowly standing and walking to the door

"Please don't hurt me Mir please." She said before opening the door

As soon as the door opened he grabbed her by her hair pushing her up against the wall

"The fuck did I say about tryna fuckin run from me?" He asked as she sobbed lowering her head lowering

He roughly gripped her jaw forcing her to make eye contact with her

"What the fuck did I say!" He yelled and she whimpered her cheeks squished so she couldn't answer even if she tried

He laughed before letting her go smacking her in her face making her roughly fall on her side

"Ima be back later on I want dinner done and you waiting at the table with that white set I bought you."  Amir said before laughing at her walking out

She had no phone no nothing she was by herself or with him everyday and that's how it's been for the past 4 months

She whimpered getting up holding her stomach she walked into the bathroom looking at her appearance in the mirror crying at what she saw

Her face bruised her lips chapped and busted her hair a mess.  She had bruises on her face,neck,arms everywhere it seemed

She looked down at her pregnant belly crying into her hands

"I'm so so so sorry.." She cried apologizing that she had to bring a baby into her fucked up life

She hated herself for everything that had happened

She hated that she cheated on her boys she hated that she let yet another man destroy her. Ashame and guilt is what she felt everyday

She accepted this as her life though she tried to run four times actually but he would always find her no matter what and she knew the next time she ran she would be dead.

She set her alarm clock for 8 pm before laying on the bed going to sleep for the little time she could

8 pm

She woke up cleaning around the house and throwing a homemade lasagna in the oven before going upstairs to the bathroom and taking a quick shower not wanting to look at her naked body

Once she was done she lathered herself in Amir's favorite lotion and put on the white lingerie set that he requested.

She made dinner and set the table putting his plate on the table and hers waiting in front of her

She knew not to eat without Amir she would regret it.

After an hour of sitting at the table Amir came home kicking off his shoes and washing his hands before sitting across of princess

"You look good baby." He complemented and she internally gagged but smiled

"Thank you baby." She thanked waiting to be told she could eat

"Go on eat girl I need that baby to have all the nutrients it needs." He said chuckling and she held back tears chuckling with him

He tasted his food throwing his head back groaning at the taste

"You definitely gettin yo pussy ate for this." He said and she dry laughed

After dinner she cleaned the tables and did the dishes before heading upstairs where Amir was waiting for her to fulfill his promise

She walked towards him and he pulled her on the bed hovering over her

He slid her thong to the side before circling her clit making her suck in a breath at the pleasure

She hated that her body reacted to him she tried to hard not to but she couldn't control it

"Pretty ass pussy." He groaned before attacking her clit making her back arch off of the bed

He wasn't doing as good as he could and she knew it she needed that push to get her orgasm

"Please Amir fuck please !" She moaned grinding on his face making him chuckle before doing it how he knew she wanted

"Yes yes yes fuck!" She screamed as she had her first of many orgasms that night.

Thoughts😧 I know it took a dark turn!



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