Chapter Forty Four

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Omniscient POV:

"Shit.." Von mumbled as he woke up hearing princess vomiting in the bathroom

He looked over to see Kentrell knocked out his mouth lowly hung open drooling

Von sighed standing up clutching his member stretching before yawning rubbing his eye walking towards the bathroom

Once he walked in the bathroom he saw princess naked body laying limp over the toilet her eyes watery cheeks red

"You good fat ma?" He asked picking her up off of the floor and she nodded shrugging

"As good as I-I'll ever be I hate t-throwing up it's so gross." She mumbled and he nodded agreeing he hated throw up

"I agree mama huh." He agreed passing her a toothbrush which she politely took glancing down at his member smiling

"Aht aht brush them teeth and get some clothes on pussy all out and shit leavin' snail trails everywhere." He said making her blush laughing before spitting as he did the same wiping his face

"Von..." she mumbled looking at him and he hummed looking at his dreads in the mirror

"What are we..?" She asked and he sighed knowing this answer was going to come up eventually after last night

"Honestly ion know. We luh know that shit our trust just fucked up that's all give us some time but right now we juh chillin." He said and she frowned nodding

"I understand and again I'm so so so sorry I fucked us up my biggest regret of my life." She spoke and he nodded pecking her forehead taking her off the counter placing her on her feet

"I know you are baby like I said just give us some time and then we'll talk about it." He said and the two walked out to go put some clothes on

Well Von at least princess didn't have anything to do today so she just threw some panties on and a bra

While Von threw on some sweat pants and a white Tee with his chains.

"Pa.." Kentrell pouted in his sleep and Von sighed walking over to him knowing what was happening

After princess left Kentrell began to have vivid nightmares of his past being abandoned by his family and Princess leaving didn't help not one bit

"V-Von!" He jumped up looking around frantically beginning to panic because he couldn't see him

He would always wake up and think Von had left him which scared him.

"Aye Trell I'm right hea baby chill..breathe fa me.." Von cooed sitting on the bed pulling Kentrell to him

Kentrell sighed and wrapped his arms around Von crying lightly

He knew Von was probably getting sick of his shit and the same routine every morning but he couldn't help it.

"Baby...chill I'm right hea' Ian leavin you bub chill.." Von whispered to Kentrell who was now hiccuping from the crying

Von soothly ran his hand down Kentrells back to give him a sign that he was there.

Princess just watched the scene unfold not sure what to do because she didn't even know what was going on.

"V-Von?" Trell mumbled looking up at him and Von smiled wiping his tears

"I'm right hea was just another nightmare." Von mumbled and Princess sighed he never had nightmares before and she couldn't help but to think that she was the reason he had them now

"Don't leave me please I luh you shorty." Kentrell mumbled sitting up and Von laughed

"I couldn't leave you if I wanted to huh? I love you to much." He said making kentrell blush

Von pecked his lips before getting up and walking downstairs to make kentrell a smoothie and put his medication in it

Kentrell now had to take medication for his nightmares sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't

Kentrell knew Von was putting it in his smoothies and he liked it that way because the pill was to big for him to swallow and he hated taking them

"Trell? Are you okay?" Princess asked playing with her fingers

Kentrell looked back at her running his hands down his face sighing he knew that after they had sex last night it was going to be different because now he could already feel all of the emotions coming back and he felt himself becoming attached again

"Yes baby I'm good you look good come hea'." He spoke and princess blushed looking down at what she was wearing

She waddled over to him and he smiled kissing her stomach rubbing it and looking up to her

"I really want a said you don't know the gender right?" He asked and she nodded

(A/N: I don't remember if she knew the gender or not so I'm just saying she didn't.)

"Nope told you Mari wouldn't let me go to my appointments." She said and he groaned at his name as he stood up

"Speakin of that bitch ass nigga we found his ass he fled to Memphis so me and Von gon head out thea lata this week and handle him." Kentrell said clutching his morning wood and walking to the bathroom

She followed him in before pouting she didn't want anothers human life on her hands.

"T-Trell are y'all going to kill him?" Princess asked as he wiped his tip and flushed the toilet

He glanced at her seeing her face and furrowing his eyebrows in confusion he didn't understand why she would be sad

He washed his hands before wetting his toothbrush then putting the toothpaste and then wetting it again

"Hell yea the fuck. He was hittin on you and you gave him my pussy that Nigga gon get the worse death." Kentrell said brushing his teeth and she just watched him through the mirror

"I-I just I don't wanna feel guilty of his death like I did for Janis's and know how hard that was on me and I'm pr-pregnant ion wanna stress my baby out.." she mumbled and he spit the toothpaste out before wetting the brush again and lookin at her

"I know mama and it's gon be okay we gon be Thea fa you just like we was last time..and it ain't yo fault it's his fault for being a bitch ass hoe ass nigga." He spat before gargling some water and cleaning off his toothbrush

"Okay Trell I love you.." She mumbled walking out as he followed

He glanced down to her ass that had stretch marks covering them

Shit her whole body did she had them everywhere and he loved them her breasts and her thighs were covered in them. Her stomach had love handles and he loved the weight on her he would get her pregnant all the time if that's how it was going to be

He smacked her ass hard gripping it in his hand before smirking at the recoil

"Shit so fat and I luh you to." He laughed as she pouted getting in bed

Kentrell slid some drawls and some Nike shorts on before sitting on the bed with her

Von walked in with three smoothies and some eggs and bacon and some French toast

"Hmm baby." Von said passing princess her plate and her smoothie doing the same with kentrell

The three sat on the bed talking away the room filled with laughter for the rest of the day

It's been a longggg time😂 omg I never thought I was going to update this book I literally had writers block so bad it didn't make sense.

But anyways



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