Chapter Twenty Five

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Omniscient POV:

The two males jumped from the bed running full speed to the basement

"Shit." Von frowned seeing princess still tied onto the 'X' her head hanging low the vibrator still on clit and the machine still fastly fucking her

Her cum was dripping from her heat to feet covering her thighs and the floor

Dried tears stained her face her body shaking

"Fuck I'm so sorry baby.." Von lowly spoke as Kentrell turned the machine off taking it out of her

Once it was took out her cum mixed with her squirt fell from her

Kentrell took the vibrator away and began cleaning the floor

Von walked over taking her off the X her body still shaking in his arms

She was unconscious her breathing was heavy her chest heaving up and down

Von rocked her up and down waiting for kentrell to finish cleaning

Once he did they walked upstairs to the bathroom

Kentrell filled the bath with hot water bubbles and her favorite bath salts

They stripped down and got into the bath princess waking up once her body hit the warm soothing water

Her eyes fluttered open checking her surroundings she weakly smiled seeing her boys but frowned as her body jumped every couple seconds

She tried to speak but her throat was as dry as the desert

"Here baby." Von spoke grabbing a water bottle and giving it to her she chugged the water clearing her throat afterwards

"W-Why you gu-guys left me?" She asked looking at the two with a pout her eyes watering

"We fell asleep baby you know we wouldn't leave ya like that on purpose." Kentrell mumbled wiping the dried tears from her face with a wash cloth

"No! You guys fell a-asleep as I was being overstimulated my body shutting down! I couldn't even hurt-it hurt so bad." She spoke lowly as she began crying into her hands

Von frowned as he pulled her to him Kentrell  and Von holding her tightly as she sobbed into their arms

"We so sorry baby girl." Kentrell spoke washing her body

"You didn't hear me screaming for you?" She asked and they shook their heads

"No.." Von mumbled and she nodded sniffling

"It's okay I'm fine." She dismissed the situation weakly washing her body before stepping out the shower

She lotioned herself up throwing on a night gown not bother to put a bra or panties on

She laid in the bed waiting for her boys to come

It bothered her that they just left her like that and it made her think of past traumatic things that had happened to her as a child but chose to let the situation go knowing they didn't mean to.

She would be getting her way for a while.

The two males came into the bedroom not putting any clothing on just sliding in bed with her

Kentrell pulled her on top of him and von snuggled into Kentrells neck

"I want 10 Birkin bags 2 prada and a whole new wardrobe." Princess mumbled and the males laughed before nodding

"Whatever you want baby." Von spoke before they drifted off to sleep

Just a filler chapter I haven't updated in a minute due to personal issues and having no motivation for this book but I'll try to update more life just been getting hard🫤



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