Chapter Twenty One

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Omniscient POV:

The three had just been in the house all day chilling with each other since Kentrell and Von had to go on tour for about 2 months they wanted to get as much time together as they could

"Dadaaaaa!" Princess whined crawling on top of kentrell Von smiling at the two

"Yes baby?" He asked and she pouted putting her face in his neck

She sucked gently on his neck making him groan

"Fuck Von give me ha pacifier." He told the older and he nodded grabbing it and handing it to him

Kentrell removed her face from his neck and put the paci in her mouth

"I wan pway!" She eagerly stood up waddling into her playroom

"She so cute." Kentrell said and Von nodded in agreement

"Come hea why you so far?" Von mugged as he realized the space between the two

Kentrell went over to Von and cuddled into his side

"What we gon do about her when we go on tour?" Trell asked and Von hummed

"I don't know..." he spoke

"You know how she is when she's little she doesn't want nobody but us we can't leave ha fa two months." Trell seriously spoke

"Then we gon take ha with us simple." Von spoke and Kentrell smiled that's all he wanted

"Okay." Trell said and Von laughed pecking his forehead

"Daddy! Dada! I wan yew to pway wif me!" Princess squealed and they laughed getting up walking into the playroom with her

Jania POV:

"Don't post those videos Nene." Lex said trying to get me to change my mind

"No Lex I'm fucking doin it I need my man NOW!" I Scolded and she mumbled something before nodding

"Send them to every blog post them on twitter everything."  I told her and she nodded before getting on her phone doing what I said

"Can we fuck now?" She asked and I smiled nodding

"Yes come here baby girl." I opened my arms and she eagerly jumped in them

Von POV:

We was in the playroom playing with Princess but my phone kept going off

"Just answer the phone Grandson this shit annoying." Trell rolled his eyes as he listened to Princess babble and blow raspberries on him

"No I'm tryna spend time with y'all that shit ain't important no way." I rolled my eyes putting my phone on silent before going back to playing with them

"Daddyyyyyyyy!" Princess whined as I accidentally dropped her babydoll

"I'm sorry baby it was an accident." I spoke and she came over to me before sticking her tongue out picking the baby up

"Girl keep your tongue in yo mouth." I scolded and she pouted before nodding going over to Trell

"I love you baby." Trell said and she nodded

"I wuv you tew dada." She blushed before she put her head in his neck sucking until she fell asleep

"God damn I feel like I've been playing all day." Trell spoke as he picked her up and carried her to our bedroom

"We have." I told him pecking her lips as we walked out the bedroom and downstairs to the living room

Trell sat down and turned the game on while I got on my phone my eyes widened as I clicked on a twitter notification

"The fuck!" I exclaimed seeing it was a video from when Princess had ate Trell and we double penetrated her

I clicked on the multiple videos there were hundreds of videos of us having sex some from 2 months ago

"Grandson what?" Kentrell asked and I told him to check his phone

"Shit what the fuck!" He stood up calling someone

"I want those taken  down ASAP- No- No - I DONT GIVE A FUCK GET THE FUCKING VIDEOS TAKEN DOWN!" He yelled before hanging up and watching the videos

"How the fuck we didn't even record these you can tell." He said and I nodded

"I don't fucking know this shit weird Princess gon be bad over this one we might gotta cancel tour." I spoke and his eyes widened

"We need this money Von we can't cancel." He said and I shrugged

"We making money as we speak we make money as we sleeping we don't need this fucking tour my babies fucking mental health is more important then some wack ass tour." I spat and he sighed

"What the fuck we going to do?" He asked and I shrugged

"I don't really care to much about me it's more so Princess I know this gon hit ha hard." I told him and he hummed nodding before we heard her scream

We instantly jumped up and ran to our room to see her standing up with her hand over her mouth tears streaming down her cheeks looking at her phone

Kentrell went over to her and took her phone tossing it to me

I went in and looked at what she was looking at and it was her Instagram DM people were sending the video to her complementing her about how "good she takes dick" and some were saying how much "she was a dirty slut for us"

I sighed disabling all of her social media before walking over to them

They were sat on the bed princess sobbing into Trells arms as he rocked her trying to soothe her

"Shhh baby it's okay ima get them too- NO! It d-doesn't matter p-people  have the fucking videos d-daddy! They saved them and s-screen recorded them once it's out there I-it's no g-going back!" She cut me off as she cried

" I know baby I know it's gon be ight tho fuck them." I told her and she looked at me with teary eyes before shaking her head sobbing again

"They've seen m-my body! They've s-seen me having se-sex with yo-you guys! I look like a s-slut." She cried and tears filled my eyes as I watched her break down I hated seeing her like this especially knowing I couldn't do anything to help her

She eventually cried herself to sleep in Kentrells arms and we laid her down searching the room for cameras

I looked at the video to see the angle and then I looked at my room before my eyes landed on the teddy bear Lex gave her a few months back

"I know you fuckin lyin." I mugged before grabbing the teddy bear and ripping it open seeing a camera and sound systems

"Folks gon come in my house! They gon smile in me and my babies fucking face and whole time doin snake ass shit." I smirked I haven't felt like this since I lived in Chicago

"I got sum comin fa all them bitches." I laughed and Kentrell smiled at me before pecking my lips

"We gon get em daddy." He smiled



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