Chapter Thirty Eight

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Von POV:

"Man where the fuck she at?" Trell  said it was now 1 am and Princess has been gone since this morning

"I don't fucking know you keep asking me like I'm not right here with yo ass." I mugged getting irritated

He keep asking me where she at like I'm with her or something.

"Don't piss me off tryna get wreck nigga you the last one who seen her ass." He spat and I nodded laughing

"Get pissed off ion give a fuck I already told yo ass she ain't tell me where she was going. Stupid ass nigga I told her to fucking call or text me when she get to her location." I said for the tenth time in the past hour

"Shut up." He mugged getting on his phone and going to her contact

"She ain't gon ans- shut the fuck up it's ringing." He cut me off I chuckled throwing my hands up in surrender

She picked up the phone actually to our surprise

"Where the fuck you at." He spat then his face frowned up in confusion

"The fuck aye P stop playin with me." He mugged and I looked at him confused

"What?" I asked and he said nothing he just walked over to me and put the phone on speaker

"Fuck yo pussy so fuckin wet fa me." I heard a male voice groan making me scrunch my face up

"You luh me....fuckkk yes yes!" Princess moaned making my heart sink Kentrells eyes watered as he yelled at the phone

"Stop FUCKIN PLAYIN WITH ME BITCH!" He yelled as her moans got louder and then the phone hung up

"No don't fucking say shit to me about Callin her a bitch she sittin there getting fucked while we worried about her and shit im packing her shit and she fucking gone." He spat and I didn't say anything

I usually would say something about the whole bitch thing but honestly ion give a fuck no more that's the most hoest shit you could ever do.

I walked upstream to see Trell pulling all over her clothes out of her closet and putting them in trash bags I assume because her suit cases were already filled

"You need to chill out." I told him taking her purses off of the walls and putting them in a box

"No fuck calming down I bet that's that same bitch ass Nigga who she said she was gon drop to I bet you. Fucking done with this shit." He spat tying up the trash bag before opening up another one and putting clothes in that one

"Don't just stand there help me." He said and I nodded helping him take her clothes down

Princess POV:

"Yo ass better call me later on." Amir said as I sat in my car about to pull off and drive home

"I'll see what I can do bye Amir." I said and he nodded patting the top of my car before walking in his house

I pulled off and sped to the house I was exhausted all I wanted to do was sleep

But as I was driving the guilt of what I did was sinking in I felt so bad but it was to late it already happened.

After about 20 minutes of driving I arrived home instantly parking and getting out of the car

I walked to the front door unlocking it just to be faced with Kentrell and Von sitting on the couch trash bags and boxes sitting around them

All of our pictures were off of the wall.

"What is this?" I asked shutting the door and locking it

"It's yo shit." Kentrell said making me chuckle but they kept straight faces

"Wait what?" I asked

Omniscient POV:

"It's your shit so get it and take it to whatever Nigga house u was at cause yo ass is done here." Trell spoke in venom

He was heart broken to the core about it but he refused to appear weak about the same girl again he felt played and her moans for another Nigga kept replaying in his head.

So instead of showing his emotions he chose to be cold instead if she didn't care about them he didn't care about her.

"What are you talking about kentrell what Nigga?" Princess asked trying not to sound how she was feeling

"P don't act fucking dumb girl we know you was just a nigga house cheating." Von spoke getting up

"I wasn't at No Nigga house!" Princess said raising her voice looking in one of the trash bags to see her stuff

"Are y'all fucking serious y'all got my shit in trash bags!?" She yelled Von shrugged picking up three of the trash bags and walking to the front door as kentrell picked up a box with all of her hygiene in it following him

"Get out the way P." Von said and she mugged

"No put my fucking shit down! What the fuck is wrong with y'all?"  She yelled and Von sighed dripping the bags before picking her up and moving her aside

He opened the door before picking the bags back up and walking towards her car, he popped the trunk and place the bags inside as Kentrell placed the box next to them

"Fucking stop what the fuck!" She yelled running outside

"Shut the fuck up before you piss me off! All Niggas did was love you we even took yo fucked up ass back and tried to make shit work whole time you telling another nigga you love em and Shit fuck out my face for real." Kentrell said and princess said nothing before raising her hand and smacking him

His face flew to the side his cheek stinging Von was coming back out with more bags but instantly dropped them when he saw Kentrells face a look he's only seen when Kentrell snapped and was ready to fuck some shit up

"The fuck is going on?" Von said standing in between the two

"She just fucking hit me is what I'm about to black the fuck out get her out of my face and off my property before I put my hands on shorty." He calmly said walking out he moved all of her stuff that was inside to the outside In front of the door

He walked upstairs and ran himself a warm bath letting himself calm down and drift into his thoughts

Meanwhile Von was carrying her stuff to the car ignoring all of the pleas and crises

"Please it was a accident it will never happen again Von please!" She cried and he sighed turning to her

"Who is the nigga?" He asked and she bit her lip

"Huh? Who is the Nigga and how many times did you fuck him?" He asked again and she began sobbing

"I'm so so so so sorry it's A-Amir and only four times but I promise it will never happen again!" She cried and he nodded wiping his eyes so no tears fell

She didn't deserve them, not no more.

"It was good while it lasted..get somewhere safe ion know where but get there we not gon tell the media we don't wanna ruin yo image but be safe P." He said before walking off leaving her sitting on the ground crying to herself

She looked up at him watching him walk in the house not even looking back at her sobbing

About ten minutes later she got in her car and drove to the only place she could think of Amir's.

😅😅So sorry you guys! But anyways they know and they was not playing with her ass! I'm happy they finally did what was right and left her ass!



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