Chapter Forty Three

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Omniscient POV:

Princess had stopped crying still holding Kentrell in her arms as he quietly sniffled into her chest

He slowly looked up to her staring in her eyes tears still present in them before leaning up kissing her.

Princess gasped allowing him to slide his tongue into her mouth gripping her neck.

Von watched not knowing if he should stop them or let them continue

Kentrell groaned as he gripped her boob in his hand playing with her nipple that was consistently hardening

"Fuck.." he mumbled pulling away to see princesses face frowned up in pleasure

"K-Kentrell..." she lowly moaned as he slid her shirt off leaving her just in panties

"Shut up and take what I give yo ass." He grumbled pinching her nipple making her back arch as tears filled her eyes at the fact that he was touching her the touch that she had missed so much.

Von walked over gripping her neck forcing her to look up before swiping her bottom lip with his thumb signaling for her to open her mouth

She did and he let his spit slowly drip into her open mouth before leaning down sucking his spit back up off of her tongue before going over to Kentrell and spitting in into his mouth which he gratefully swallowed.

"P-Please.." she moaned as kentrell toyed with her clit over the thin fabric of her panties

"Did I just say shut the fuck up?" He asked slapping her pussy making her tense up moaning as her orgasm hit her and hard

"Ahh— fuck please yes! I-I'm sorry." She moaned knowing they were going to be upset she came

"You forget how we do Shit ova hea' or some? I gotta remind you?" Von asked and she shook her head "no"

He didn't respond he just walked over to Kentrell whispering something in his ear making him smirk

Kentrell ripped princesses panties off tossing them somewhere in the room before pulling her to the edge of the bed taking her foot into his mouth

"Mmm pa fuck me pleasee." She moaned and he smirked before freeing his dick from his sweats

He rubbed the tip up and down her wet slit moaning

"Fuck." He groaned as she pushed his length inside of her

"Awwnnn fuckkkk!" She moaned as he stretched her out Amir was big but he was bigger.

"Shut up." Kentrell popped her thigh as a warning she nodded as tears again filled her eyes

He began slow stroking her rubbing her clit in circles making her back arch off of the bed.

She looked up at Von who stood next to her. Von looked down smirking before leaning down pecking her forehead before exiting the room

"Fuck I missed this pussy so much—always so fucking wet fa me." Kentrell moaned throwing his head back as his strokes sped up making princesses body move with every stroke

"Ughhh dadd-shut that shit up ion wanna hear shit." Kentrell sternlt spoke smacking her face a little

Not enough to hurt but just enough to where he knew she liked it.

Princess moaned pinching at her nipples as she began squirting on Kentrells lower half

He bit his lip at the sight pulling out and getting on his knees taking her clit into his mouth

"Fuck you taste so good babygirl." He groaned sliding two fingers into her opening sucking her clit at the same time

"S-Shittt daddy you makin me feel s-so good!" She moaned as she felt her third orgasm approaching

"Mhm" he hummed around her curving his fingers inside of her making her body stiffen a thick white cream seeping from her opening

"That's a good girl mhm good fucking girl." He spoke against her clit

Princess began crying at how intense her orgasm was kentrell kissing up her body and wiping the tears away

"Shh baby daddy got you.." he mumbled against her lips and she cried out as she came again this time holding on to his torso for support as her body shook creams just spilling from her lower half wetting the bed and Kentrell.

Kentrell wrapped his arms around her letting her know he was there kissing her nipple before sucking on her ear lobe making her go crazy.

"P-please I'm do-done it's to much." She silently cried as it felt like her orgasm wouldn't end due to the way he was talking to her and what he was doing to her body

"Shh baby good girl just let it happen." Kentrell whisped sliding back into her positioning himself to hit her spot that made her go crazy

He slow stroked her to give her time to come down from her high before going deep hitting all the spots he needed to.

"B-Baby! P-Please I-I can't take this." She cried tears streaming down her face staring directly into her eyes

She felt like she was about to pass out her body was so weak.

"You can take it and you will baby just be good fa me fat ma." He mumbled staring down at her watching as she cried her arms weakly holding onto him

He sent one deep stroke to her spot making her cry out moaning all types of things her body violently shaking and her opening pushing him out so hard her had to grab onto his length to keep him in

"B-Babyyyyy! Fuckkkk why y-you fucking me like this?" She cried asking and he smirked

"To remind you and to let go of all the emotions I got towards you." He truthfully said

Which that was the truth he was only doing her like that because he was trying to express his feelings in a way that wasn't violent or anything like that so he just decided to fuck her into oblivion.

She finally stopped just sniffling her legs shaking every now and then

He pulled out of her before straddling her chest

"Open up." He tapped her cheek two times and she shook her head

"Open. Up." He spoke again and she weakly opened her mouth letting him slide into her mouth his length hitting the back of her throat

He aggressively fucked her throat moaning at how she gagged around his length spit falling from her mouth sliding down her cheeks

"Fuck baby I'm finna nut be good for daddy and swallow it." He spoke before his body stilled his nut shooting down her throat

He made sure he was done nutting before pulling out slapping her face a few times with his piece.

Looking down to see princess knocked out a tiny trail of his nut leaking from her mouth

He got off of the bed looking at the bed to see the mess she had made

Her cum covered the bed some even on the floor her thighs stuck with the sticky substance.

Her clit was swollen and red with a handprint left on her pussy his favorite look on her.

He picked her up taking her to the bathroom sitting her on the toilet

"Pee mama." He told her patting her cheeks a few time princess sniffling waking up peeing

He changed the sheets as princess was knocked out in the chair next to their bed.

He grabbed a warm rag from the bathroom wiping her face and her thighs before laying her naked body in bed sliding in right under her.

Von came in smiling at him pecking his lips before stripping laying next to the two missing that feeling.



Thoughts? I know some of y'all are going to be madddd😭😭

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