Chapter Forty Six

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Omniscient POV:

"We have to be patient pa chill." Von told Kentrell

The two were sitting outside of Amir's house like they had for the past  2 weeks

They had been waiting for him to come outside for about 2 hours and Kentrell was becoming impatient

He wanted to run in the house and take Amir but Von knew that that was not smart and would end badly

"He's taking for fucking ever we still gotta drive to the fuckin warehouse after we get his ass." Kentrell groaned throwing his head back in annoyance

They were going to snatch him up off  of the sidewalk drug him to the car, then take him to a warehouse and kill him.

"There he go pa u ready?" Von asked and Kentrell eagerly smiled a evil grin on his face

"Yes! Come on." Kentrell said and Von laughed passing him a ski mask and gloves

Once they had  every part of their body hidden the opened their trunk so they could just throw him right in it

They got out the car leaving the doors open before crouching and slowly sneaking up to Amir who was smoking a blunt looking at the sky his back faced towards them

Von quickly ran up placing his hand  that had a rag covered in chlorophyll putting it over his mouth and nose

Amir thrashed around letting out screams as the drug slowly knocked him out making him dead weight in Vons arms

Kentrell ran up picking Amir's feet up helping Von quickly get to the Trunk

They threw the body in Von running to the drivers seat and starting the car as Kentrell tried to shut the trunk but Amir's 3 fingers got in the way

Kentrell slammed the trunk down on his fingers makin them fall off and Kentrell groaned picking the fingers up and pouring alcohol over the little bit of blood that had spill on the street

He ran to the passenger seat jumping in and Von pulled off not even waiting for kentrell to close the door

"His fucking fingers fell off." Kentrell said disgusted as he showed Von the fingers

"Ew what the fuck there's baggies in there put them in a bag well burn them when we get to the spot." Von said looking away from the fingers and Kentrell doing as told

About 1 hour later they arrived at the warehouse Von and Kentrell dapping up the security guards while carrying Amir's body down to the sound proof basement

"Get the steel chair and Tie em up pa." Von instructed before gathering items they would need to torture him

Kentrell did as told but stripping Amir down to nothing before tying him to the steel chair in the middle of the room

"Da we got about an hour and a half before we gotta head back to P." Kentrell said and Dayvon nodded

They needed to get home back to Princess before she woken up or she would panic.

"Get the want me to do it or you?" Von asked and Kentrell shrugged

"You can da." He said handing him the bucket of acid which Dayvon gladly took dumping it onto Amir making him instantly wake up screaming in pain as the acid burned through his skin

"Ahhh- what the fuck HELP!" Amir screamed thrashing trying to ball his hands into a fist before he looked down screaming as he realized his fingers were gone

"Lookin fa these?" Kentrell taunted throwing the baggie to Amir making it land in front of him

Amir froze in the seat slowly looking up gulping hard at the sight of Kentrell and Von

Kentrell with a evil grin on his face but Dayvon just looking at him intensely

"I-I— shut the fuck up! You thought you was gon get away with puttin hands on my wife?" Kentrell cut him off throwing a knife into his knee making him moan out in pain

"F—Please! I-I'm sorry do-don't k—please don't kill me man." Amir whimpered looking at the couple

"Shut up why the fuck did u do it?" Von cut him off

Amir looked around his head hanging low looking at his skin slowly peel from the acid

"I-I don't know first it was a accident but I-I I- I just I don't know everything she did started to p-piss me off and it angered me and I hit her.." Amir whimpered out and Dayvon nodded

"How much time pa?" Von asked kentrell and he looked at his watch before back at Von

"About an hour left let's get to business." Kentrell smiled evilly grabbing a sledge hammer bringing to down onto Amir's Knees

At home:

"Baby...where have y'all been?" Princess whispered as Kentrell and Von walked out of the bathroom with towels wrapped around their waists

"We just took a drive to clear our heads that's it baby we finna get in bed go back to sleep." Von said and Princess sat up noticing a long scratch down Vons face

"What the hell happened to your face Von!?" She asked and he said nothing

"Hello!" She yelled looking between Kentrell and Von who stood there not saying anything just standing there not even looking at each other

Kentrell stood scratching the back of his neck while Von pulled at his dread

"Oh my god! Hello speak one of you tell me what's going on!"

"You leave out at fucking 12 o'clock while I'm sleep then show up at 6 in the morning what the fuck! Dayvon what happened to your face! Where did y'all go?" She asked quieting down at the last part of her rant

They weren't going to tell Princess right now not until she had the baby because she'd already said she didn't want Amir dead because of her.

They didn't want her to put and stress on the baby so they had to wait

"Baby me and Trell was fuckin and he fuckin scratched my face that's it that's all please go back to sleep I'm good we're good." Dayvon spoke up and she looked at kentrell who forced a blush

Princess nodded believing him and laid down onto the bed

Dayvon and Kentrell slid in next to her wrapping their arms around her body

"I love you"

"I luh you." The two spoke at the same time and princess blushed letting sleep take over

She didn't know why but she felt nothing could go wrong like it was finally her time to be happy.




Amir's death?

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