Chapter Forty One

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Omniscient POV:

After princesses bath the two let her catch up on some much needed sleep before deciding that they needed to have a long talk.

"Ight so we gon speak and u gon listen? We gon ask questions and u answer..with the truth we don't wanna hea no bullshit just keep it a band." Kentrell spoke to her and she nodded slowly picking at her nails

"Ight so fa one why you cheat? Especially with that lame ass Nigga." Trell asked and Princess became tired the guilt coming right back

"I..I honestly don't know our relationship started just as friends you know? He would stop at the shop sometimes and stuff but then I went to his house to hang out ...and we got drunk... and then one thing led to another." She answered as truthfully as she could

"Who made the first move?" Von asked butting in the conversation

"I don't really remember but I think...I did." She answered and Kentrell chuckled nodding

" why you ain't just tell us about the Nigga we could've did a lil some maybe even added the Nigga in our relationship. But u wanted to be out here being sneaky and shit. Sex is sex that could've been it and all but you kept it from us." Kentrell said and Von nodded In agreement

"Sorry I really am I fucked everything up it's my fault and I take responsibility for my actions.." she mumbled and they hummed

"When he start putting his hands on you?"  Von asked and her eyes watered remembering the day

"About a week or two after you guys kicked me out. For good reason I'm not blaming yall." She said making sure they knew she wasn't trying to manipulate them

"He knew you was pregnant?" Von asked and she nodded

"That's why he did it actually because I was pregnant with one of y'alls kids and not his." She informed and their anger grew but they kept it down trying to get as much information and closure they could

"Igh so you can stay in our guest bedroom and stay here until you get back in your feet we gon be there for our kid but the relationship ain't gon work so we don't wanna send no mixed signals." Trell said and princesses heart dropped tears forming but she didn't let them fall.

"Okay that's fine I-I understand it and I'm so sorry for hurting yall I love y'all even if you don't believe it." She said and they scoffed getting up

"You don't hurt people that you love especially intentionally." Von said grabbing hold of Kentrells hand walking to their bedroom

Princess went to the guest bedroom locking the door instantly breaking down sobbing into her hands

She hated herself and she wanted to escape. She knew that her staying in the house with them would bring her nothing but hurt. Seeing them in a relationship happy and okay without her hurt her more then anything and it proved to her that she was the problem in the relationship.

She got up off of the floor wiping her eyes laying in the bed lonely and cold.

Don't get it mixed up though the bedroom had everything a big nice bed nice comforters and sheets tv decorations everything a bathroom but she was just so cold that's all she could feel.

" it's your fault...can't be mad at nobody but yourself." She scolded herself before breaking down again

Seemed like that's all she would be doing all night.

Meanwhile with the boys

"I sent Kd and Ben to find that Nigga." Kentrell spoke and Von hummed laying on his stomach

"That's good...I can't believe that shit happened to her." He said and Trell nodded

"Me either I can't believe it but it's cool we gon get our lick back he not gettin a quick death nah we gon torture him for 6 months." Kentrell spoke making Von chuckle

"Of course baby." He whispered against Kentrell

He began leaving little kisses from his stomach to his lips

The two fought for dominance over the kiss kentrell winning

"Fuck.." Von groaned as he felt himself harden in his pants

"You gon help with that?" He asked and Kentrell nodded biting his lip

"Of course what type of boyfriend would I be if I didn't?" He sarcastically said but before he could there was a knock on the door

"Man fuck." Von groaned rolling off of Kentrell clutching himself as he walked to the door

He opened the door to see princess standing tear stained cheeks shivering

"What's wrong baby?" He asked instantly pulling her in the room shutting the door walking her to the bed

"I'm s-s-so cold...please can I sleep with you?" She begged looking between kentrell and Von

"P-Please.." she whispered and Von looked at kentrell who sighed nodding

"Yeah.." he said and she nodded getting in the bed next to Kentrell

"I can take my shit off or you uncomfortable?" Von asked

"N-No it's fine.." she said and he nodded stripping from his clothes

He laid down next to princess and her body was stiff

He smacked his lips pulling her up making her lay her head on his chest tapping kentrell to snuggle behind her so she could feel comfortable. He knew that's how she slept.

"Go to sleep girl." He said and she nodded instantly falling asleep in the twos arm

"This gon be harder then I thought." Kentrell spoke and Von nodded agreeing



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