Chapter Forty Five

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Omniscient POV:

The three sat in the doctors office waiting for the doctor to come to the room

They had arrived at Princesses appointment and the doctor was definitely taking her time.

"My back hurts so fucking bad bro." Princess whined pressing her back against the chair until it popped making Von gag in disgust

He hated the sounds of bones popping or cracking.

"I'm finna th-what the fuck." He said before gagging again as kentrell laughed

"Youn even gag on dick what the fuck?" He laughed making princess laugh loudly to the point to tears came to her eyes

"Oh my god Trell you down bad." She laughed calming down looking over at Von who was mugging them with his arms crossed

"It wasn't that funny eitha the fuck that shit nasty." He said and they waved him off as the doctor came in smiling ear to ear

"Hello! I'm Mrs.Greys and I am gong it be your doctor...umm which one is dad?" She asked making princess look away and Von chuckle

"Well I-I— we don't know yet we're both here to support her and will be happy with whoever is the biological father." Kentrell spoke up for princess seeing her having a hard time

"Okay that's completely fine...could you take your pants off and lay up there please?" She asked and Princess nodded doing as told biting her lip in annoyance as Von tapped her clit while the doctor was not looking

"Do to much all the time." She mumbled making kentrell and Von laugh

"Okay thank youuu let me just take a look is that okay?" She asked and Princess nodded

"Yes it's fine." She spoke spreading her legs letting the doctor inspect

(A/N: LMAOOO that word is so sus to me)

The doctor came back up before going to her computer

She then grabbed the probe and lubed it up before slowly pushing it inside of princess making her wince

It was uncomfortable which was odd for princess seeing as well...yk

"You doing okay mama?" Mrs.Greys asked and princess nodded

"Okay this might be a little bit cold just a heads up." She said and princess nodded

Mrs. Greys squirted the cold gel onto Princesses hard stomach making Princess jump

"Are we finna see the baby?" Von asked and Mrs. Greys nodded smiling before grabbing the transducers rubbing it around Princess's stomach 

Before the sound of a heartbeat filled the room Von and Kentrell instantly looking at the Sonogram seeing the baby

Kentrells eyes watered while Von went over to princess kissing her face and holding her hand

"Okay babygirl is right he- babygirl!?" Von cut her off and Mrs.Greys eyes widened

"You don't know the gender—I'm sorry I thought- N-No it's okay! Thank you so much!" Princess cut her off excitedly before kentrell walked over to her kissing her lips

"I love you so much.." He mumbled and she smiled

"Here's babies head.."

At home:

"We really having a baby.." Von said as they sat in the bed watching movies and eating

"I know right? It's so surreal..." princess mumbled smiling before eating another honey hot wing

"How you feelin? We finna have a baby in a month." Trell asked as he rubbed her feet

" know I didn't have a good mom so I-I just hope I can be a g—I just want to be a good mom for my know? And able to protect her." Princess said sucking the sauce off the chicken bone before picking up another

Her face was a mess she had sauce everywhere on her face and chest but Von and Kentrell didn't mind

"Stop looking at me I'm a mess..." Princess whined taking a bite of her wing before hiding her face making the two laugh

"Baby we done seen you with nut all o- Okay okay enough." Princess cut him off placing the chicken bone down about to pick another up before kentrell let go of her foot much to her dismay and popped her hand

"No more you done had 18 wings all that hot and greasy shit ain't good for babygirl." He said and she whined pouting looking at Von

"I'm eating for TWO Kentrell im allowed to eat as much as I want." She said and Von shook his head laughing at the two who began to go back and forth about chicken

"Ighttt that's enough chill out princess baby that's enough chicken you can have some fruit if you want and Kentrell leave ha' alone." He laughed and the two huffed before laughing as Princess began crying

"I—I just wanna eat my chicken.." she cried and they groaned

"Hea eat the shit." Kentrell grumbled giving her the box of wings

She quickly wiped her eyes opening the wing box and grabbing one out

"Thanks are y'all ready to be dads?" She asked and Kentrell nodded with a smile

"I can't wait especially since it's a girl..and baby you gon be a magnificent mama okay? You not her your you and you are going to be a great mom." Kentrell said making Princesses eyes water

"Thank you papa." She pouted kissing his lips and he nodded

"I mean I'm ready I can't wait she gon be spoiled as hell we gon have to spoiled ass babies on our hand Trell." Von laughed

"I'm already knowing my pockets finna be hurting." He said and the trio began to laugh

"So! I was thinking that I want her nursery to be a pastel yellow color and teddy bear themed." Princess said and the two nodded

"It's yo world baby we just livin in it." Von spoke before kissing her cheek

"At least ya know." She laughed

Kentrell looked at her smiling at her she was everything and more to him and him carrying his baby made it even better.


What y'all thinks going to happen next chapter?



20 comments for next update. I wasn't going to do comment goals butttt it's insane to me how I have 10,000+ readers and only 9 comments max.

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