Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Ooh shit fuck!" Princess whimpered as Von and Kentrell roughly pounded into her

"S-Shit p-please slow down." She cried out as tears filled her eyes from pleasure and pain

"Shhh baby you takin it so got it just take it." Von cooed in her ear before nibbling on it

She felt that familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach making her body stiffen as her men used her.

"I-I can't! T-To much!" She cried whimpering as kentrell sent a hard smack to her ass

"Shut the fuck up and take this shit. Ion wanna hea u say u can't again!" He spat as he slammed into her again

"P-Please daddy!" She whined as she felt her orgasm coming

"What u cummin? Come on give me dat shit guh." Von groaned as she clenched around his member as she began squirting and creaming on his member making him instantly release inside of her as Kentrell did the same

"F-Fuck.." she whimpered as the two pulled out of her pouting as their seed slowly dropped out of her holes

"You a slut bae." Kentrell laughed and she mugged a frown on her face

Her eyes slowly closed slowly falling asleep before she was roughly pulled to her feet

"We ain't done yet." Von spoke and she pouted

Heyyy my readers! This chapter is not finished actually I need help finishing it 😭

I have writers block bad! I can't even make a good sex scene I wanted to make it nasty and longggg for you but this is all I got🥲!

If your interested in helping me finish it just message me! Don't write it in the comments😅

That's it author girl outttttt

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