Chapter Fifty (Epilogue)

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12 years later
Omniscient POV:

"Oh my god Vaeh get your sister and brother please!" Princess yelled as she was changing her youngest sons Princes's diaper

"Okay hold on!" Their 12 year old daughter Nevaeh yelled back to her mother

The throuple had had 3 kids after Nevaeh.

They had a set of twins Imani and Armani and then a son Prince

"Here you go fat man." Princess spoke sitting the 1 year old at his table with a pack of Cheetos and his juice box

"Ma!" Nevaeh yelled holding her siblings hands

"Yes Vaeh what was they doin?" Princess asked and Nevaeh shook her head letting their hands go and grabbing the tv remote

"Fighting like they always do for them to only be four years old they sure are bad as fuck." Nevaeh said and Princess laughed nodding

They didn't care about their kids cussing as long as they weren't cussing at adults or using the words to hurt someone.

"Where daddy at?" Nevaeh asked setting the remote down after she turned on Paw Patrol

"They went to the store to get me a couple of things why?" Princess asked picking up her daughter

"Hey fat mama.."

"Mommy! Mani was being bithee!" Imani huffed pointing at her brother and Princess laughed

Imani was the "bad" one out of the twins. She was a spoiled brat and she cussed all the time but she had a lips which made it hilarious when she pronounced some of the words.

"I thought I told you to stop letting my daughter cuss Chanel." Von said as he sat the bays down kentrell following him picking them up and taking them to the kitchen

"Daddy!" Nevaeh yelled and Von looked at her raising his eyebrows

"What you want girl some mo of my money?" He asked and she laughed before nodding

"Yes. Indeed I do I need like 150 cuz I wanna go to the movies and to the mall ima ask pa for the rest." She said and he nodded before digging in his pockets and giving her 200 dollars

"Hey mama." Kentrell spoke coming up behind her and kissing her neck

"Ew." Nevaeh gagged before walking out the room to her bedroom

"Y'all get my stuff?" She asked and the two nodded Von gripping her chin and pecking her lips Kentrell still behind her

"Stop my kids is in here nasty." She laughed pulling her body away from them

The couple was still very much sexually active they didn't let having kids stop them exactly why they got their bedroom sound proof walls.

"Okay we can go to tha room lele comin ta get them anyways." Kentrell said pulling her back to him and pressing his lower half against hers

"Oh yeah?" She asked smirking and he nodded as Nevaeh walked out of her room with a bag

"Whea you goin lil girl?" Von asked and she smacked her lips lowly

"I'm goin with Lele she's outside bring the gremlins." Nevaeh laughed referring to her siblings

"Don't call my children no damn gremlins Nevaeh Lynn!" Princess yelled out as Von and Kentrell put the jackets on the kids and she got their bags

"Hmm baby...mommy going to see y'all tomorrow be good for Lele please love y'all." She said kissing the twins foreheads before doing the same to prince before Kentrell and Von walked them to the car

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