This needs to be said...

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Okay I held back with making this but I'm tired of seeing it !

If you do not like what goes on in this book then respectfully you can stop reading it.

You don't have to comment or message me about how you hate the book just stop reading.

It's a lot of kink shaming and and shit and I Don't play with that! Some of y'all comment how y'all don't like the stuttering that she had/has.

There was a warning about it before the book even started so that's on y'all if you chose to ignore the warning then that's on you but don't try to REPORT the book because of something that's your fault.

I said at the beginning this book was VERY sexual and there would be a lot of sex if you stayed then it's on you! Nobody is forcing you to read the book so if youn like it simply stop reading it.

I appreciate all of my readers but I Don't appreciate the readers who have bull shit to say every chapters it's annoying and it makes me want to stop writing period.

That's all I had to say have a good day there prolly will be a update tonight.🫶🏽

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