Chapter Twenty Three

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Princess POV:

It's been about two weeks since we've handled Lex and Jania

The first week was roughy but I let it go

Now I was starting a YouTube channel and I would be pranking my boys as my first video

"Hey guysss! Welcome to my channel this is my first video I'm Princess! And today I'm going to be pranking my boyfriends like I was having sex with another man." I spoke to the camera before shaking my head at how dumb I am

"This is stupid of me I'll probably be dead by tomorrow." I laughed before getting serious

"Not literally but they're really over protective of me  and my body sooooo this is going to be interesting. I called my gay cousin over and he's going to act like me and him were ya know having sex." I spoke as my cousin waved to the camera

"What's going to happen is Von and Kentrell are at the mall right now and once I hear them come in I'm going to be moaning and the door will also be locked." I told the camera before I got a notification from iMessage seeing it was von and they were 10 minutes away

"There ten minutes away come on I'll see y'all when the prank begins." I said before cutting the camera off and we ran to the bedroom

I put on a thong and a strapless bra before getting under the covers

"They gon kill me cuz." My cousin worriedly spoke and I laughed

"No I'm not gonna let them hit you." I reassured him before I heard car doors shut and the front door open

"Come on." I spoke pulling him on top of me making it look like we were in a missionary position

"Uhhh fuck daddy yes!" I moaned out trying to contain my laughter as I heard shuffling in the house

"Princess what the fuck you got goin?" Kentrell spoke

"Yess fuck! You fucking me so good!" I moaned before hearing them run up the stairs

They banged in the door and I laughed at my cousins face

"Ughhh I'm cumming!" I moaned and Von yelled

"Open this fuckin do' now!" Von yelled and I smirked

" Fuckk daddy you fuck me way better than them!" I moaned before a shot rang out making my cousin duck

The door busted open revealing a angry Von with a gun in his hand

He came over to me roughly pulling me out the bed onto my feet

I acted like I was pulling my panties back on as Kentrell looked around the room

"Whea that Nigga at?" Kentrell asked and my cousin slowly came out his hands  up

"Get the fuck out fa I kill you." He calmly spoke and my cousin nodded running out

"You fuckin anotha nigga in our house! In our bed huh? That's some hoe ass shit!" Von yelled and I pouted

He pulled my face to him roughly squeezing my cheeks and I knew they were going to be bruised

"I'm s-sorry his dick was just b- Ahhh fuck!" I screamed as I felt myself being threw to the bed  my ankle rolling

"Owwwww!" I cried it didn't hurt much

"Shut that shit up what the fuck you was finna say?" Von cut me off pointing the gun to my head

"I'll blow yo fucking brains right now finish yo fucking sentence!" He yelled

Kentrell grabbed me up placing me on my knees on the floor

Von shot the gun pass me and I screamed as I felt the air of the bullet

"It's a prank it's a prank!" I screamed and Von tilted his head

"A prank?" He asked and I sniffed nodding going over to the camera

I looked at their shocked faces laughing

"I got you guysssss! You really think I would give my body to someone else that hurts." I pouted and they huffed Von sat his gun down before laying onto the bed

" I told y'all they weren't going to play I'd be dead by tomorrow." I joked and Von and Trell mugged

"Wasn't nobody finna kill yo ass lil folks." Von informed and I scoffed

"You pointed the strap at me and shot it!" I exclaimed and he laughed

"I wasn't goin to kill you I could neva do that." He said and I nodded

"Alright guys I'll see y'all next video comment some ideas!" I said before ending the video and I set it down

"Strip." Von calmly spoke and my eyes widened

"Wha- I didn't do any- Strip." He cut me off and I whined stomping




"Okay okay!" I cut him off stripping down once I was naked I winded stomping my feet crossing my arms over my chest

Von huffed standing up going over to me he towered over me before grabbing my neck walking me to the bed

"You stompin and shit like a lil ass girl." He spat as he threw me onto the bed

"Finna fuck yo life up." He spoke and Trell laughed making me pout

"Trell grab my gun." He spoke and my eyes widened



Y'all want the scene?

Talk to me I be bored🥲

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