000 prologue.

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𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒 floated around me when I first came to, flooding my hearing first out of all my senses. I didn't dare to stir, holding myself as naturally still as I possibly could as I audibly surveyed my situation. I had no clue who, where or what I was, only that I was possibly under threat. I focused on the whispers seeming to swirl around me in a taunting manner, however they seemed bodiless, as if spirits mocking my vulnerability. Just as I went to attempt to decipher them, a hasty alarm bell blared out.

Acting as a jackhammer to my skull, the obnoxious alarm continued to berate me as my hands shot up to cover my newborn ears, searing pain roared out in my wrists as if i were being held in a skin-tight metal coffin, suffocating blindly. My eyelids peeled open and hastily surveyed the room, then falling on the thick metallic restraints encompassing the entire of my forearms and lower legs as well as my ribcage being tightly compressed by what looked like an overly secure amusement park ride's seat.

The room was completely ghost white, devoid of any colour or life at all. It looked like someone with OCD's paradise, being devoid of any dirt or dust, and mini malia tic with the only items in the room heavily organised. There were no windows in sight, only one entrance and exit right in front of me, of which above housed the glaring red siren taunting me. my view was restricted by a head brace, forcing my eye-line straight ahead as the door ahead was dramatically busted open and countless men armoured head to toe in what appeared to be S.W.A.T-like gear, all armed with heavy machinery, swarmed the room like flies on a rotting carcass.

My body was then almost lit up like a Christmas tree as red aim lights shone from all of the guns and centred amongst my head and chest, almost blinding me as I squinted to see a doctor walk in slowly with a shit-eating grin on his face. "Well, if it isn't my little trouble maker. Glad to see you're finally awake."

Short black hair and ice blue eyes, he was dressed in average medical getup, securing a file tightly in one arm as he slid his glasses further up his nose bridge obnoxiously with his other. I had no recollection of this man, nor for the situation I now found myself in, but I held a firm glare on him, already wanting to kick in that malicious look he has plastered on his face until it caved, along with his skull.

"Now, boys, try not to blind him completely. He's just woken up after all!" The Doctor bellowed out with a swift chuckle. His face then suddenly fell and he turned to lock me into a trace almost. After an awkwardly pregnant paused, he chuckled again before shrugging and turning to one of the soldiers jokingly. "Oh well, you know what?"

Before I could register it, he'd lunged at me with his hand out, dropping the file in his hand as he began to gauge my eyes out, tearing open my eyelids as his fingertips gripped my eyeballs and his fingers weaselled into the socket, churning through my insides. A blood-curdling scream rang out as my vision began to black and I quite literally felt him scoop my eyes out of their sockets, thrashing pain blaring through my face and straight into my brain as I failed to thrash about, the head brace stilling me.

"There! How about that, huh?" The Doctor laughed lightly as I felt liquid ooze out of my now hollowed out sockets. Quickly growing faint, I began to waver as the Doctor startled me in his grip of my shoulders, coming in real close. "Oh no, don't black out yet. The fun's just started! I really thought the process would be quicker, but just stay with me a few more minutes and I promise it'll be worth it."

Enthusiastically, I felt him loosen his grip before stepping away, almost as if I were a circus freak he got kicks out of watching. Just as I went to slip into my unconscious again, finding more comfort in the thoughtless-darkness than the now more painful and permanent darkness that sat where my vision was supposed to be - spot of light bled through.

My blood, just almost boiling, felt now like each individual strand of my DNA was reaching out and merging, attaching onto each other as figures began to distinguish themselves before me. The pain remained, lingering as if to haunt me, however my thoughts were more succumbed in the unnatural occurrence of my sight.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now