001 introductions.

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WITH a throbbing headache, my vision came back into my control as I took in my surroundings and found myself on a strange building rooftop peering as a neighbouring apartment building. Early morning traffic groaned below and it soon dawned on me that a lot of time had passed - an entire night, even. What had I done the entire night? I guess with how I left it when I blacked out, I'll probably find out through the news.

A penthouse suite sat in the building opposite me, offering me a perfect view into what appeared to be a very minimalistic and modern apartment, presumably owned by someone who didn't spend much time in it. Heat rose to my cheeks as I realised that a half naked man stood in the room most in view, cleaning what appeared to be clothing. Am I some kind of sleep-pervert? I should probably get a professional sleep therapist at this rate, though, I think I'd need a name to book in with first.

Alright, back to what I was going to act on last night before I was so rudely interrupted with blacking out. I needed to access Batman's technology through Robin. Luckily for me, the attractive shirtless man from before lifted a Robin suit into view, cleaning weaponry as his back remained to me. While his face was out or sight, his well-defined back wasn't, causing a smirk to creep on my face as I observed the muscles in his back tense and shift, forced to watch him leave. Damn, he had a nice ass too.

I always had suspicions for Robin's identity, however most of them heavily relied on Batman - I was almost fully convinced that Bruce Wayne was Batman. He fit the profile perfectly: rich enough to afford the BatTech, able to keep his secrecy, perfect act as Bruce, has many connections, has the physical description, has a frantic backstory (which is common criteria for all vigilantes and hero's), and finally has the necessary angst required to go out at night fighting crime dressed as a bat. Well, it was either that or some of rich Gotham businessmen, however Bruce was always my first choice.

To perfectly match my suspicion for Bruce Wayne, his adoptive son Dick Grayson was a great contender for Robin. Not only did he appear to have the same age, physique and such, but also had a tragic backstory, has great gymnastic skills, raised by Bruce (Batman) and also Robin appeared suspiciously not long after Bruce adopted Richard. He was also a policeman in the daytime, which would make sense for his morals to give him a protective job role for the city. I didn't realise I knew that much about him and Bruce until I started detailing my suspicions. See, it seemed this information came to me naturally, like information on celebrities is just implanted in your brain from the news or shows or the internet.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't know that Dick was now  policeman by day if I hadn't followed him to  the station for work, catching his face not long before he headed inside. So, my suspicions were correct. Though, I didn't really doubt them. From what I'd heard about Bruce and Dick, I just knew they were the type or people with strong morals and the will to fight for them as well.

It was still too early in the morning and I had no clue what to do with my day as I hoped to catch him after work, but that was too long for me to willingly wait, and with the very little I actually knew about myself, me being patient was not something that seemed familiar. My clothing had remained the same since the experimentation facility, it was an all white tunic with restraints on the chest, tethered and almost like a striaght jacket - I was desperate to change.

However, with the threatening appeal, it could work in my favour. While it was never my plan to act deranged in a police station today, things seemed to never go to plan with me, and so I had to make do. Heading straight towards the police station, ignoring the blatant looks and stares from passerbys, I then lunged straight for a police car, smashing all the windows with a my elbow, finding myself surprisingly strong.

It didn't take long for the alarm to start blaring, and as a couple of police officers headed outside, I never wavered in my confrontation, remaining steel-faced as I glared at them. One of the officers attempted to calm me as if I was having some sort of episode and began to shush me, clearly thinking I'd escaped a local asylum or something. "Hey, hey. I don't know what you're trying to do, but just calm down and we can help you."

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now