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𝐓𝐇𝐄 night slipped away from me. I soon realised that my mind had driven me to a local library. I had spent any time spare reading. My lack of memory was bugging me desperately, even it was as simple as not knowing a saying or reference the others viewed as common knowledge. Even Kory understood more about this planet at times than I seemed to, and last I checked I wasn't the alien here.

I counted on Dick and Clay spending some time together, wherever that may be. While we had a generic time crunch, I presumed it allowed leeway for at least a few hours of research. The library, however, was only a small fraction of a larger plan.

All of the others knew about themselves, their pasts, their powers (more or less), and yet I remained the odd one out. Surrounded by someone like Dick who had been raised with such technological intelligence and all the information at his fingertips, I felt severely outmatched. However, I wondered if it could play to my favour - his access to Bruce's technology.

As I gathered my books and slowly returned them, the librarian watched me intently, almost in awe as she took note of them returned and hesitantly proposed the question. "Don't you want to take them home to read? You've only been here a few hours."

Her hands were frail and well worn, more so than the books themselves, and lightly shook as she placed the books on her desk. I glanced at the stray few others who had checked in at the library. Despite being such a large library and open late, the night hours left only a couple silently finishing up with their books. Even still, they looked only midway into their singular books despite being here when I came in even.

"I've read them all." I furrowed my brows unintentionally in slight confusion and left the books to the librarian, readjusting her glasses, as I turned to exit and quickly made my way back to the apartment. There should be technology there, Batman's.

I stepped in and silently slid through the halls, feeling for what each door would most likely hold. Knowing the layout and each door's security, I soon found the room of technology and slid inside with a small click of a lock, my powers slightly suggestive nature coming in useful. The seat was comfortable, screens adorning the wall before me as I slid the lock back in place to leave the room seeming undisturbed.

My fingers typed away, hoping that Bruce's security prevented tracking as I delved deeper into the small glimpses of memories that buried deep in my subconscious. Something told me I had to tread lightly or else I may trigger a digital footprint highlighted red for them to follow.

Most of my time at the desk was spent with my hands on my temples, massaging in thought as I stirred and hoped to reignite my lost mind. Eventually information I'd overheard sparked, not without pain, however usefully worth it. A last name and family information of a doctor at the facility - Wilson. He mentioned his son, Harvey, having won a science fair to another doctor. They thought I was out of earshot, clearly not.

I found a slight humour that a man who upon recalling him, I also recalled him hacking into me with various torturous tools, would speak so pleasantly about a child, pride even. I could only hope his child's scientific interests didn't overlap with his, wouldn't want him so proud that he'd menor Harvey in scientific torture.

His accent, I placed it to be roughly Californian, however less extreme that I could tell he had lived elsewhere for a while, slowly loosing his accent to his location. I continued to narrow parameters for my search on the BatTech using deductions, such as when I could recall tabs from holidays, or how he'd sometimes have white dog fur only below his ankles, attached to his trousers.

Eventually, I narrowed my names through elimination to land on the name of Dr. Glenn Wilson, Californian born and raised with a wife, two sons and a small white Terrier. The timelines of his holidays and moves coincided with my information perfectly. This was the only known lead I had so far, information on this facility I came from, without outwardly notifying anyone I was looking.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now