003 roadtrip.

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𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 the door to a gloomy garage, a single car sat in the middle of the room, silver and shiny in what little light shone in the room. Dick headed into the room, followed by Rachel, as I sped past them, circling the car, excited by it, yet I couldn't exactly remember what type of car it was - it looked like an older Porsche 911 Carerra, probably from mid 1980's. "Oh my god, is this one of his cars? Please tell me it is. I can remember always wanting to rob the Batmobile."

"What?" Rachel spoke out confusedly, staring over to Dick for answers as he shook it off, relying on sarcasm to deter Rachel from his secret past in the Bat circus. "It's nothing, he can't even remember his own name." Rolling my eyes, I almost flew across the slippery floor as I skidded towards Dick. "Oh! Let me drive, please. I haven't driven a car in so long."

"That doesn't help your case..." Dick rubbed his fingers against his forehead as a small but noticeable smile crept on his face. "Can you even drive?" I paused. I wasn't sure, but I knew I was going to steal his car and take it for a test run at some point. That, or 'borrow' the Batmobile. Defeatedly, I called shotgun and headed around to the passenger's side as Rachel questioned Dick. "This is yours?"

Dick opened the door to pop the hood as he took Rachel's bags to the front trunk of the car. While the two of them spoke outside the car, I winced at my stomach as I hadn't had the chance to look at my stomach or dress it yet. I'd have to soon, as I kept getting hit by waves of intense pain and faintness. I'd almost collapsed earlier due to dizziness hitting me full force, but luckily I played it off and Dick and Rachel didn't seem to see it.

"Family Heirloom." Dick stated, causing a small smirk to tug at the left corner of my mouth. So it was in fact one of Batman's cars. Rachel filter her head, even more confused. "From the circus?"

"Not the one you're thinking." Dick snorted, closing the hood of the car as I laughed to myself as Dick got in the front and Rachel slipped in the back. Driving off out of the secret garage, clearly belonging to Batman, Rachel mumbled out from the back of the car, still not fully trusting Dick. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere safe." Dick glanced back at her, meeting her eyes before making its way to me. "What? Don't look at me, I don't know where in the fuck knuckles you're taking us to. You could be taking us to a human trafficking ring for all I know. Though, I know your Dad raised you differently." Staring out the window, I leaned my chin on the palm of my hand. "Who knows? Maybe you're on 'bat' terms with him?"

I caught Dick's small snort and practically jumped out of my seat. "I got you! Oh my god." Hitting his arm, I laughed out. "Holy shit, you finally did something other than rolling your eyes! This is such character development, next thing you know, you'll be proposing to me."

I leaned towards him and smirked at him as he shoved me playfully back into my seat. "Sit properly. What if you make me crash?" After a few seconds calming down to a quiet, Rachel murmured out in a broken voice. "My mom says there's no such thing as monsters." She paused. "I think she was wrong."

"Goddamn." I turned back to face her. "You'd really give Bruce a run for his money in terms of angst, you know." Rachel met eyes with Dick in the rear view mirror, making a face like I was insane, probably thinking Bruce was a delusion or ghost I saw. "Wow, way to judge me. little miss Rin Yamaoka."

Sitting properly in my seat and facing forwards, I thought aloud. "And what type of parent gives their kid a false sense of security? Practically setting you up to fail with the depths of darkness you can find in this world." Glancing out of the window, Rachel answered nonchalantly, half in thought. "Yeah..."

The rest of the ride was quiet. Dick and Rachel occasionally spoke but I felt myself slip away, uncharacteristically going quiet. I felt Dick's stare of concern burn into the back of my head, but I didn't care. My wound was killing me, causing severe pains to shoot throughout body, and I held it firmly with my left hand to hide the blood that was now leaking out from under my shirt from Dick. I was more focused on my burning migraine.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now