005 all goes to shit.

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𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 was loosing his shit. "Come and go, take what you want." He was throwing his hands around, screaming at Dick. Whatever had happened between them the last time they met clearly hadn't gone down well, and had festered within Hank until Dick showed up again. "Hank." Dick was trying to calm him down, warning Hank with his tone as he blatantly ignored Dick.

Hank began to push and shove at Dick, getting up in his face, hoping to provoke him enough to start a fight. The diffused fight from earlier arose again, and I didn't see it going away any time soon. "Don't touch me."  Dick warned, as me and Rachel headed into the kitchen. "Stop." Rachel tried to step in as Hank continued to push at Dick. his teeth clearly gritting as he lost his patience.

"You want my girl now?" Hank spat, proving that there was both unresolved tension from the past and Dicks past relationship with Dawn playing on his mind. "Stop!" Rachel looked around at me and Dawn anxiously, noticing I was leaning on the door frame holding my head. "STOP!"

A ghost version of Rachel projected out of her body and bellowed out in Hank and Dick's faces, startling them enough to separate them. Dick took a breath and turned to Rachel, rubbing his head. "I'm sorry."

My knees and legs felt hollow, like those chocolate easter eggs or a bullet casing. It felt as though there was no bone or flesh or muscle to keep my legs up, and my head began to scream at me. One, two, three. I counted up to ten as many times as it took to regain strength in my legs. I wasn't even fully sure why they were growing weak - I'd been stabbed not long ago, sure, but it wouldn't affect my legs like this. No, this was something else.

"Jesus." Hank swore, heading off in shock, clearly not aware of Rachel's... uniqueness. "Nate almost passed out and you two are here arguing like children." She screamed, teary-eyed before turning and running off to her room, a quiet slam of a door faint in the background. Hank and Dawn headed off to talk as Dick came to my side as I stumbled to the kitchen counter to pour myself a drink. "You nearly passed out? You haven't pulled another stitch, have you?"

"No, no. My stitches are all intact. Or, at least, I think they are." I groaned while pulling out the rest of my vodka from the cupboard where I'd formally hidden it. Dick went to take it from me, but I evaded it and ended up hitting my side on the corner or the countertop. "Holy mother of fuck. Hey! You can't take my vodka now after that whole thing with Hank."

Leaning over, I massaged my side while swigging from the bottle. "Shit, are you okay?" Dick followed me out as I stumbled to the living room. "Yeah, yeah. Just fucking hit my side, so I'm just peachy." I gave him my fakest tight-lipped smile before taking yet another swig from the bottle, still feeling lightly tipsy from the masses of vodka and beer I'd had earlier, mixed with my faintness from earlier in the kitchen.

Dick's thick brown hair was moulded perfectly, falling around his face as he ran a hand through it. He was larger than I gave him credit for, his muscles peering through his shirt, showing his many testing years training along Bruce had payed off. The room felt full, even thought it was just us two. Suddenly all the times Dick had touched me or grabbed me for the short time I'd known him all refreshed in my memory. The air suddenly felt like it was all vacuumed out of the room, leaving me breathless, and panicking.

"Look, I know you and Dawn had a thing, and you clearly have some unresolved issues with Hank, but what are we doing here, Dick?" I glanced up to where he lurked above me, then exhaling in defeat and sitting besides me on the sofa. "I just thought this would be safer for you and Rachel." He leaned back on the sofa, readjusting his seat.

Such a small action, so normal and usual, caused all the blood to rush to my head, and I had the sudden urge to pull him onto me. I could see what Dawn saw in him, it was things like this that made him seem like a man-slut.
"And you're not planning to just ditch us here? Because that would really be a 'Dick' move." I shone a quick smirk at him to go along with the pun, but was haste to getting back to my drink. "I gathered theyre Hawk and Dove, but I've never met these people before, and I have no clue what to do about Rachel, so promise you won't leave this all to me."

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now