018 talent show.

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𝐁𝐘 the time Dick got back to the car, I was stood outside with Rachel, Kory and Gar, leaning on the bonnet of the minivan. Gar and I both had lollipops with matching cans of coke. Rachel stood sipping on a carton of apple juice and Kory had a diet coke in her hand. I happily sat with my lollipop in my mouth, kicking my feet out rhythmically before seeing Dick's look of distain. It always made me smile.

"I was gone for two minutes, where on earth did you get all this from? You better not have stole all this like you did last time I left you for two minutes. I am a cop, you know." He turned to me immediately, accusatory style.

I scoffed and threw up my hands playfully. "Excuse me? I would never steal, that is against the law and I love the law and follow every rule." I held my hand over my heart with a grin. "Also why is it always me you accuse first?" I mocked offence.

He deadpanned and put his hands on his hips, clearly had enough of me already and it was only early in the morning. "Because you're the one who always gets into trouble."

I paused and thought on that before hurrying back to my train of thought. "I'm not going to comment on that." I sipped my can of coke before pulling out some cash and waving it, motioning behind me. "Anyways I found the liquor store across the street. Don't worry, I have some alcohol stocked up for when you next leave all of us alone again."

I mocked him with a wide grin and quickly withdrew the cash he tried to snatch from me, sliding it into my pocket before scooting further back on the bonnet of the car. "Hey! Someone's feisty."

"Did you steal that? Last I checked you had no job or money. Any of you." Now his glare had turned to all of us before Kory shrugged innocently and the two teenagers looked away slowly, going into their own conversation as if they never heard Dick. This only caused me to come under more fire, his glare returning to me.

"No. This isn't stolen, I already said I'm a law abiding citizen." He glared harsher. "Anyways this was a gift from Sebastian. Found it in him right before you discarded him like trash. This is why he preferred me and gave me gifts."

I waved the stack of money in his face before he sighed and rubbed his temple. "That was my money from the dash of my car."

"Well you've helped to give drinks and snacks to four innocent homeless people who are fearing for their lives everyday. You should really feel proud." I slid off of his bonnet, stepping in closer to him so only he could hear, our chests so close they were touching as I leaned in his ear. "You don't need to get jealous, I've bought you things too. Besides, it's not like you can't afford it."

By the time he shuffled us all into a room, he wasn't even making eye contact with me anymore, tired flustered by me enough for one day, especially after I made him get us all pizza. "All right, guys, listen up. We're all in one piece more of less."

The room we were all in wasn't too bad though it was no five star hotel. I feared the thought of a black light being shone over the sheets. God knows what the stains would be: the result of a brutal murder or an orgy, I couldn't say. Perched on a desk, leaning while listening, surveying the room carefully. Dick's shirt looked insanely good on him today, hugging his toned body perfectly. It was like he was trying to irk me specifically, otherwise he would've left his jacket on.

"We need to figure out where we stand and determine what's mission critical." God, even his little hand movements as he talked were getting to me. I shifted my focus to Gar who stood on the far end of the room with a box of pizza, innocently looking at the things around the room as if he hadn't just willingly come on the run with all of us and this was rather a family vacation.

"Mission critical?" Rachel gave Dick a look. The judgement was totally valid in my opinion, however I didn't dare even look at Dick anymore. After seeing Gar, I had already pulled out some pizza and was sitting and eating slices without a care. "Is that a cop thing? That sounds like a cop thing." Gar added.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now