012 going to church.

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𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐎𝐍 never felt of importance to me. Ever since I could recall my parts and patches of my childhood, science was all I'd known. Even with my current amnesia, I knew infinitely more about science than I did religion. It was always about ma machines or experiments or the creations of man, and yet I still shuddered in the face of God - having a faint recollection of being shunned in the name of it all.

Despite their hobbies of poking and prodding at me with guns and tools, hooking me up to countless things in the name of future development, they still held onto religious beliefs as a sudden flash hit me the moment we had arrived to the nunnery. I froze in the car, Rachel and the woman already headed inside as Dick turned back to find me unmoving in the back seat; like a ghost, frozen in time and states of reality, in-between.

"Nate?" Dick had walked over hurriedly and opened the door. "What's wrong?" He continued talking but I didn't the rest of it. My vision was blurred along with my hearing, my focus however wavering at the sight of the convent. My heart had stopped, breathing shortened to almost no air intake at all and yet I made no attempt to breath anymore than natural. "Nate?"

Dick's familiar and now comforting voice shifted to one that drove knives into my spine and drilled right into my heart and soul, leaving my stomach to drop like a pin, suddenly waking me. With a blink, I was gone. In such a small amount of time, the entirety of my surroundings had shifted. as if I never escaped the facility after all. "Fuck, what the hell are you?"

A partial questioned scream of terror and fury bellowed out and pulled me from my trance gradually, my vision sliding from the pale concrete floor of the distance to a bloodied figure on my right. He looked familiar but hazed, like a distant memory a single grasp away, but I didn't have the energy to reach any further. It was like a dream, and yet my body then all came to me, snapping me into the moment as if I was living in it presently.

I glanced down at myself as my hands raised instinctively, glancing down to find a crimson mess. More so, a beating heart lay in my hand, unattached to any body or form, as it slowly stilled to a stop, the blood slowing in its pumps as trickles ran down my arms and looked at my feet. Raising my stare, I wound the owner.  A doctor, or scientist. It wasn't of much importance to me who he was, only what he had done.

As I scanned the room, the man in the corner frantically attempting to call for backup however finding his communications down and backing further away as I visually travelled across the room to his figure. The room was hazed, parts swallowed whole by a pitch black darkness, however there was a noticeable sum of bodies, entirely mutilated and laying bare, lacking limbs and even heads.

In fact, I wouldn't even call them bodies anymore: they were merely organs, flesh, blood and bones, harvestable materials. Strings of intestines and mounted piles of flesh clumped around the room, all torn entirely apart. My eyes were entirely wide, though not from shock but rather an adrenaline coursing through my blood at the futility of life, hitting me that, I too, would one day be a mere pile of meat.

I began to dissociate as I fixed my vicious glare onto the man, fumbling over tables and machinery to distance himself as much as he could from my hollow body, moving entirely on its own. "You..." He was crying, sobbing through bloodied splatters painting his face red along with his clothes. Whether it was his or others, I wasn't certain, however his stomach has a large gash where I would bet a light tug would unravel his insides laid out amongst his colleagues.

"You're a monster. An abomination." He stilled as I stepped closer. It seemed to dawn on him that if he were to die here, he might as well dig the knife as deep into my flesh as he could on his way out. His eyes glazed over as he glared daggers. "You should never have been born, or created, or whatever the fuck doomed the Earth in bringing you here."

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now