004 identity.

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𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆, my eyelids adamantly opened, however heavily, as my vulnerable eyes adjusted to the lighting. I had no clue where I was or what had happened since the diner bathroom, and so only hoped that this wasn't some pathetic afterlife. If a small time motel in the middle of God-knows-where is heaven, I think I'd rather just live eternally.

Leaning on my elbows behind me, I sat up with an exhausted sigh. Rubbing my hair out of my face, I glanced around and caught sight of the motel room door handle being moved, keys jangling from outside. "What the fuck." I mumbled to myself, sitting upright, wincing as my stomach sent pain shooting through me. It felt like it wasn't bleeding profusely anymore, but still hurt. "Fuck."

Crawling out of the bed hastily, I stumbled to my feet as I headed towards the bathroom and locked myself in just in time for the front motel door to open. I heard a muffled male voice mutter obscenities at the sight of me gone from the bed. Heading to the back of the room, I leaned half on the sink and on the wall as my breath seized up on me.

Growing faith from getting up and running through the blinding pain so quickly, I felt warmth pool at my stomach as I slid down the wall and gave up trying to fight back whoever had taken me to the motel. I doubt I'd be able to fight them in this state anyways. The bathroom door handle began to shake as I freaked out, looking for a weapon, and finding only a shaver sat on the side. Great, I'm facing my possibly kidnapper and future murderer only armed with a fucking shaver.

The door gently opened as I saw Dick tread lightly into the room. "Nate? Look, I'm not going to hurt you. It's me, Dick." He raised his hands in peace as I squinted, seeing it was actually him and exhaling in relief. "Oh good, otherwise I'd have to use my super power ranger moves on you."

"Hiyah!" I pointed the shaver at him jokingly, before dropping it, and almost myself as Dick ran to my side. "I respect you for hiding and trying to protect yourself in an unknown situation, but maybe don't do it and pull open your stitches."

He helped me up and assisted me back to the bed as he sat down besides me. "You scared me back there." Dick stared up at me with deep concern. "I got you stitched up and got us all motel rooms, but it looks like I've got to re-stich your wound now." He rolled his eyes as he pulled out a med kit and pulled off the dressing on my stomach, cleaning up my wound. "You know, I found out what your name is."

He glanced up at me before focusing on fixing my pulled stitches and using antiseptic. "You're name's Nate Griffin. It's not know where you're from and who your family is. You're actually quite a ghost." He finished up stitching and replaced the dressing. "All we know is your name, and that there are files on you in an experimentation program in Russia that apparently focuses on human experimentation and there's a top secret program in it that not even the Bat-computer can access."

"Oh." I tried to sit up, and too quickly, as I winced and Dick had to rush to help me up. "Woah, hang on." Sitting up properly with his help, I noticed his hand on my bare chest and smirked up at him. "Damn, you've been staring at my bare chest this entire time. Who knows, maybe you planned this entire thing just to stare at me shirtless."

Dick stood up with a scoff, and put the medial equipment back to where he got them from. "If I wanted to stare at your abs, I have better ways than getting you almost killed." Heading back to my bedside, he ran his hand through his hair and sighed down at me. "What the fuck were you thinking? You got stabbed and didn't even care to mention it?" He yelled, loosing his temper as he began to freak out.

"Well, I have been shot up and practically mauled before and walked off from it, so I thought I'd be fine. I guess not." I laughed, feeling more like usual now, and being able to freely joke. Dick groaned in frustration and started pacing the room. "Don't ever do that again, okay?" He stopped to stare intently at me, showing that he meant what he said.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now