010 lava girl.

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𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐊 led us to an office and began to look around and back out the door behind us awkwardly before heading to sit in the chair and pull out a USB drive before plugging it into a laptop sitting patiently on the main desk. "Oh, are we being sneaky now? I don't want to be look out." I whined, headed to look over his shoulder at the laptop where surveillance was pulled up full screen, Dick clicking to copy the data from the cameras as I noticed green lights flicker on from the USB.

"Wow, Mr Robot, I mean I knew you did illegal shit at night but I thought you were going for a justice-seeking do-gooder in the day." As it blinked further and further in progress, Dick continued to glare back and forth from the door in a paranoid manner as he pulled out the finished USB and shut down the laptop again.

"Well, I make exceptions sometimes, come on." He motioned to follow as we headed out the door and back out to the car. Quickly rooting through the desk for a moment as he stepped out, I found a bunch of shit, but luckily also a lighter and stashed it before chasing him down innocently. "No need to tell me twice."

We both left and headed for the car, opening the doors swiftly and sliding into the seats before Dick reached over to my side of the car and opened up the dashboard. As he pulled out what looked like a Bat I-Pad, I then rooted through his dashboard, pulling out all sorts of equipment in a childish awe. "Woah, you have batarangs and everything in here!" I exclaimed, waving it in the air before Dick looked up from his device in sudden interest and snatche dit from my hand.

"Stop waving that shit around, there are literally cops everywhere." He whisper-shouted before training and chucking it back in the dashboard, closing it up to prevent my helplessness against plain curiosity if it just dat there wide open, how weber not realising I'd already stashed some bat-related devices I deemed worthy of safe keeping.

"To be honest, doubt they'd care." I shrugged, sitting back in my seat until finding a perfectly comfortable stoppt to satiate my everlasting desire to relax. "Oh, besides, we could just play you up to be a giant fan boy collecting B-man's replicas!" I turned to him excitedly and hit him playfully on the shoulder multiple times in thought, geeking out over how hilarious it would be pinning Dick as the resident Batman fan in all local police stations - I'd never live it down, and I doubt Bruce would either if I told him someday.

"Oh, God no." Dick shuddered at the thought, especially his adoptive father and butler finding out and making into a thing. Pulling the hard drive from his pocket with the transferred files, he plugged it into his device and began yet another transfer, downloading and opening the files from the USB: all simply just your typical data transfer/theft but with a slight twist all centring Chiroptera.

Dick visually scannend around the car for onlookers, fully embracing his detective mode before the transfer completed and he pulled up tue security footage from the gas station - all that effort just for the footage with his fancy gadgets and everything. He began to scroll through the footage timeline before sowing it down and focusing in on an enlarged segment of the footage displaying a willing Rachel stepping into the car of what I presumed to be our culprit.

Dick's informant wasn't detailed enough in the report to Dick and didn't do her unique but graceful absurdity justice; she was very much so a character, customised physically to the limit of her ability, though I never doubted how badass her whole appearance read. She seemed very calm and collected in the footage, seeming both in her element, but just as something in her expression read as emptiness, and I could presume Rachel had something to do with this wacky lava girl toasting a guy in the bathroom and going to lengths all for a kid she didn't know.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now