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𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐄 Wayne really liked to outdo himself. I stood, soaked in dried blood, looking fresh out of Carrie as I knocked on the door. Dick's location was last seen here and this floor was named as one of Bruce's safe houses in the Bat-device. There was an eye scanner sat by the door, but I doubted Batman himself would appreciate me sticking my eye up in it. That, and I didn't like the idea of him gaining access to my eye prints that easily.

"Dick, don't be a dick and open up!" I groaned and continued to bang on the door, occasionally glaring and sticking my middle finger up to the camera. This was not the best waiting room, very closed in and surrounded by literal cars on display. It was like he was begging for them to be stolen.

The door opened up with a sweet lull of a woman's voice - 'access granted.' An even smaller box of a room waiting in front of me as I stepped in, only then finding it was an elevator by the floor sigh above the door. There were literally no other indications it was an elevator, a plain black box with LED white strip lights around the edges. It looked more like a waiting room from Tron (another movie Rachel did the curtesy of informing me about).

One awkwardly long elevator ride later, the doors slid open, surprisingly without a noise, as Dick's stern but concerned face came into view, greeting me right at the entrance. "What are you doing here and why the hell are you covered in blood?"

He practically dragged me in from the elevator and then stood in front of me giving me a stern glare as if to try and intimidate the truth out not me. "Really? You're going to give me a glare? It's not even that wild that I'd show up covered in blood, at least I'm consistent."

I roll my eyes and walk around, touching things out of curiosity, and in turn, getting blood stains following my tracks, Dick following behind and trying to wipe them clean.

"Stop- stop touching everything!" He struggled to keep up with me as he grabbed my shoulders, practically grimacing as his hands got covered in the blood too.

"Can't help it, I enjoy looking through a billionaire's playthings, especially when it's Batman's." I shrug and look around with my hands now stuffed in my pockets to prevent my impulses. "I must say, I know he's going for a secretive safe house vibe here, but I'm disappointed by the lack of black and bat-related objects. Have you ever introduced Bruce to gothic interior design? Gar had me watching design shows."

Dick gave me a bewildered look, questioning how much time the two teenagers and I had spent watching television to get me so well educated and versed in modern references. "Wayne Manor is pretty old fashioned, but that's not the point-"

"Oh, Dick, you didn't say you had a friend?" The cocky voice of a younger male chimed in, eagerly as he strode closer, eyeing me up and down and giving Dick a grin. "Holy shit, that looks like it was a bloodbath, I'm so jealous, I've been stuck here babysitting with him."

I laughed involuntarily and we both earned a stern scowl from our mutual connection. I shrugged and tried not to smile too much. "Dick can be a party pooper, I agree."

Me and the younger male seemed to get on until Dick grabbed my arm, turning to the male and telling him we'd be back soon. Dick stormed off, me dragged with him like a hostage. "What the fuck, this better not be how Bruce treats his guests."

"Where are the others, why are you here alone and why are you covered in blood?" He pulled out some towels and a first aid kit, his attention to detail picking up on the various minor injuries I'd acquired. The silence and my hesitance to answer was noted. "And don't try to avoid the question."

"I left Kory in charge, they'll be fine, and I followed you here." I smiled innocently as I waited for him to continue. He only looked at me more incredulously. "What? Oh, oh! The blood... right, it's from various things. Mainly the psycho family's heads conveniently popping like champagne." I shrugged.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now