011 on the run.

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𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐊, Lava Girl and Rachel all followed me out soon afterwards as I stood by the front door waiting for them to catch up. At this point, I was just exhausted. Physically? I was a mixed bag practically all the time, it depended on the moment or the wound. As for my cuts and burns from earlier, they remained, still stinging and burning with even movement of friction brushing against the wounds.

Other than that, I was physically fine. I couldn't argue seeing as I could occasionally grow back limbs whenever I was in the mood to do so. For now, it seemed more like a waiting game - would I have to wait for these wounds to heal naturally? Did they have to be worse and more impactful on my health to activate this supposed super-regeneration? And if that were the case, would they heal if I let them get infected and worsen my overall health?

It was all one huge experiment with my life. In that moment, although short-lived, I couldn't help but wonder what the difference was between me and the people who used to prod at me like a scared and feral animal in a cage back in the labs. No. If I started to think like that, I'd loose a sense of morality and I wasn't quite sure what to do with that if the occasion ever arose. I doubted I'd stick around the three I was currently now walking in-front of, listening in onto the conversation loosely to get an overall idea of Dicks supposed plan.

"Rachel, we've got to get you somewhere safe." He said it more like it was out duty, though really, I found it all hilarious that he'd gone above and beyond his job responsibility in looking after and protecting Rachel up to this point, though I suppose you couldn't argue with heroic morality and protectiveness built into you from a young age. Being raised by Batman would do that to you.

However, unlike him, I never had any responsibility towards Rachel in the first place. In fact, if Dick truly did his policing job 'by the book', he would've already tried to arrest me or at least send me off to a psych word or some government facility where I'd be yet again treated like I wasn't even human. Though, I had come to doubt both my humanity in terms of both morals and genetics. Would a normal average human be able to do what I could?

"Do you know who sent that weird family after her?" The strange alien-looking woman spoke out, and it almost dawned on Dick at that moment that he had no clue who she was yet while she was following him along with Rachel. Dick turned to face the left while walking, Rachel observing silently from the background. "Who the hell are you?"

Rachel seemed to much prefer spending time with someone her own age, boys even, and having fun. I suppose she'd never really had a childhood. From what I'd gathered from her past, she was always deemed a freak and ignored, isolated until her mother's murder and she was immediately thrown into the deep end of crime and cults - not even getting a glimpse at being able to freely embrace her teenage years.

It was just about the right time for romantic obsessions to start and for her to sneak out in the middle of the night to drink and do drugs or whatever, at least that's what I'd gathered from one or two coming of age books and movies I'd seen since meeting Dick. He'd felt it important for me to grow to have an understanding of culture and references so I wouldn't be completely lost, although I'd occasionally know some from what I'd heard in passing from guards.

"I don't know. But somehow Rachel's the key to figuring me out." The woman replied, almost tiredly as her identity seemed so prominent and clear in her clothing and fashion but not her mind. I recognised that look. While I was never as bothered as she seemed to be by the absence of memories, I too had a void instead of a childhood, practically no life before and grasping at whatever glimpse of a past life that flashed occasionally before me.

"Well that's relatable. At least you remember to have a good fashion sense." I motioned to the door to lead them out, nodding at her clothing and hair as she smiled lightly and responded quickly with a 'thank you'. If Rachel were the key to figuring her out, I guess we could only hope she had a good intention with her - how hilarious I would surely find it if it turned out she was after Rachel to kill her.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now