002 interrogation.

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𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 back on my chair impatiently, I rocked as Dick finally shut the door and strode over to me impatiently. "What, you're not going to get me a drink for being so empathisingly patient?" His palms slammed face down onto the table separating us as he found better things to do searching my eyes for answers. "Who the hell are you? Did Bruce send you?"

"What, Batman? No, never met him, though I really think he could challenge Rachel back there for being the most angsty from what I've heard." I continued to lightly rock on my chair in a nonchalant manner as Dick stiffened at the mention of his former mentor.

Suspiciously, he pulled out the chair and begrudgingly sat down, never loosing me in his eye sight. "So you've never met him yet you know about his... night hobby. How is that? What do you want from me, and what was that back there about murder and robbery?" He glared at me, eyes wide in expectance as I turned my head to the side and shook my head with a plainly fake smile plastered on my face.

"Seems Nancy Downs back there knows more about me than I do." Pausing my chair-rocking, I lifted my legs up onto the desk and crossed them comfortably as I leaned back. "Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you, I would have done that by now if that was my plan. No, I just want your Bat-Tech."

His head slightly tilted to the side as he glared a hole through me. "Who even are you? How did you find out about me and Bruce, and what do you want with it? If you're in trouble I can help you, but only if you tell me."

I almost fell backwards in laughter as I lowered my legs from off of the table, leaning inquisitively forward with my elbows stiff on the table, hands intertwined as if I was telling a life-changing secret. "I'm afraid that's the purpose of my little visit. See, I don't know. I don't know who the fuck I am, how I know you and what trouble I'm in - I could be the terminator for all I know."

His eyebrows buried deep into his upper eyelids as frown wrinkles formed gracefully at the crevices of the corners of his mouth. I only noticed just now how handsome he actually was. "So, you have amnesia, and you came to me because you thought Bruce's technology could find who you are? I.. guess I can help you with that, though the moment I find you're a serial killer and wanted in over twenty states, I'm locking you up."

"Also how did you even get into the interrogation rooms? You know what, I actually take it back, I don't want to know." He sighed out tiredly as he stood hastily. He was clearly exhausted from his day he'd had, and yet still looked like a Greek God (minus the classic micro penis, trust me). "I can research tonight who you are and we can meet up later?"

"Yeah! Sure, sure. Either that or I just sneak back into your apartment and use your Bat-tech." I rushed out, nonchalantly, most certainly planning to do that later. His head shot up as he shot daggers at me, clearly not impressed. "What?"

"Nothing. What? Shut up." I rolled my neck as I shot him a wink. "Has anyone told you how sexy you look in your work uniform?"

While he tried to hide it, I noted his fumbling and a slight reddening in the cheeks just for a millisecond. I won't forget that. Attempting to play it off cool, he simply rolled his eyes yet again, and headed from the exit, completely done with me as he lightly slammed the metallic door behind me as if the room was on lockdown. He had stormed off in almost a fit of frustration and rage, and had seemingly 'forgotten' to give me his number to contact him. I guess while he joked with me, he knew what I said wasn't a lie and he'd be waiting for me to visit his apartment later, probably all creepily in a chair in the pitch black.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now