017 team porsche.

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𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 for my stomach to settle and my body to stop the dreadful sensations of ache rippling through every bone and inch of flesh, I sat and waited. Dick had already gone out of sight, even now when I'd dared to lift my gaze, he wasn't in the room.

Just then, I saw a figure at the door, staring and lurking, almost as if he was debating coming inside the room. "Am I that scary you don't even want to be in a room with me?" I joked, motioning for the figure to join me. God knows the last think I'd want anymore of were long sullen silences or my own thoughts running rampant and free. With the figure here, my mind quietened just a little, questions filling my head rather than the voice of the darkness playing over and over and over again.

As the figure stepped into view, I presumed it was a male: an average sized masculine build, wearing a long tan coat with fur longing the cuffs and around the neck. He also wore what looked like a full-body suit in a pale grey with a tie wrung around his neck, his suit tucked into big black boots with fingerless biker gloves to match the edgier element of the outfit.

Despite the more unusual outfit, not to mention the sunglasses indoors, what struck my curiosity most were the bandages wrapped entirely around the figure, no inch of skin shown at all. "So what's your shtick? Apparently everyone here has a thing like the little shop of horrors."

I give him a welcoming smile and let him come sit beside me, though he still appeared hesitant. "Big fan of ancient Egypt." The figure shrugged, a fairly masculine voice when he spoke. "I wasn't the most welcoming earlier, I'm sorry. I saw what you did for the kid."

He looked at me, though I wondered how he even saw with the wrappings and the sunglasses indoors. We're the bandages covering his eyes? Or were there eye holes? Maybe the wrappings were see-through on his eyes? And why the sunglasses if so? I didn't dare question it knowing he could just as easily tear off his bandages and reveal a giant monster mouth to rip my limbs to shreds. Well, that and I quite liked how badass he looked.

"Yeah, well, annoyingly enough she grows on you quite quickly. Plus who wouldn't join in on something that looked so blatantly fun?" I plastered on my face a clearly fake smile, cheekily grinning at him as he laughed slightly. Even while talking, my mind wouldn't stop thinking about how itchy the wrappings must get, especially in the summer.

The man gave a quick glance around the room, a light nervousness to his tone every time he spoke. "I suppose you don't see an 'abandoned' house full of outcasts like this everyday."

"You'd be surprised. You know, this is all just a casual sunday for me." I raised an eyebrow at him. It was true, I'd grown used to weirder events such as these, though arguably they were normal to me, not having any experience living without someone trying to kill us or some new person with freaky powers appearing.

He wanted to say something more, that much was obvious, though he remained hesitant. Luckily, it seemed my back and forth banter with him had eased him a little, a sort of comfort in the air between us as he spoke up what really plagued his mind. It then hit me I didn't even know his name yet. "You're not going to tell anyone about all of us, right?" He paused. "We're no threat, we just want to live in peace."

I imagined that if I could see his eyes, he'd be staring through his eyebrows in a pleading worry. I leaned back on the sofa and let my arms sit on my lap as I stared at the ceiling. It had those old-fashioned designs etched into them, a mural of sorts. I'd seen some in shows and pictures Rachel had shown me for various things.

"We're all freaks." I felt his glare on my face, desperate for an answer but eager to listen in and hear what bizarre thing I would say next. "I can't remember anything before like two weeks ago, and ever since I woke up someone has been trying to kill me, somehow. Despite the less than friendly welcome, you all seem like moral people." I darn't say harmless because that felt like jinxing it.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now