025 the bouncer.

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"𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐘, lord, I can't believe it's you!" The huge dark skinned bouncer, formerly intimidating in manner, however the act had fallen to reveal him more like a teddy bear, enveloped Dick in a heavy hug. Even going as far to raise him off his feet and carry him like Dick was still the same child he'd known all those years ago. Damn, he was strong.

"Is this you?" He repeated, so in awe he couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, it's me. I can't breathe." Dick mumbled out on a hurried choke, unable to properly take the usual time to breathe due to his restricted airways.

Clay was quick to place Dick down as gently as possible with his thick meaty arms. "Oh, damn."

I shone a hasty grin at Dick, him giving me a gentle smile back, as if he were partially embarrassed to be so friendly and having his past so open in-front of me. Nodding, I headed slightly towards the bar. "I'll stay lookout for any suspicious people while you talk."

Taking a seat at the bar with a keen eye on the entrance, I monitored everyone moving in and out of the building and anyone daring to step close to the two old circus friends reunited.

Soon, Jason had slithered in through the back somehow. I couldn't help but smirk at his persistence and rebellious nature. Dick wouldn't like to agree or see any resemblance to his replacement, however, Dick also had a way of weaselling around places be was forbid.

Jason had started talking to women around the bar. Aside from a man who stuck his finger up his nose and then slowly in his drink before tasting it tentatively, his hair mere prickles of hair scattered around his head and a stained shirt 'hidden' under a hiker jacket, no one had seemed noteworthy so far.

Two seconds before a murmur in the crowd drew out and echoed, I watched firsthand as Jason picked a fight with a stubborn man at the bar, eventually pushing him. I watched Dick pick up on it, raising out of his chair from being seated with Clay as the fight for even more heated.

Keeping a closer eye on Clay like I swore to, I let Dick step in with Jason and try to calm him. Clay had followed Dick and stood behind him near, a switch in his brain flipped to bouncer mode already, even more so protective of Dick now he'd found him again.

The two Robins argued more as my hairs stood on end. My spine ran down chills as my head automatically snapped to one side, soemthing calling out to me as a sixth sense heightened in me. My feet worked faster than my mind did. My body was in light speed as I flashed to the side of the room where the pulses of heat and light slowly increased.

My arms shoved as many people as I could away from the blast radius, taking the brunt of it as I grabbed objects in reach I found worthy shields and flung them heavily through the air towards my three companions, pushing all the glass near them carefully away as everyone in the room flinched. All the glasses shattered.

The explosion came from outside. Dick immediately took to action, telling Clay to call for help, however he soon came to the realisation that his phone wasn't in his pockets anywhere. Fuck, Jason making a scene at the bar and the explosion had caused me to slip on my focus of Clay. What if he'd had it and someone stole it from him? What if someone made sure he left it on purpose to lure him somewhere?

Dick and Jason headed outside as Clay fled amidst the crowd to find his phone. Fighting against the tidal wave of people flooding me, I lost sight of Clay. Still, I urged on.

I managed to catch a glimpse of him slightly as he seemed to slip out of a back door with some shady looking people. Following shortly after, I heard them murmur about someone called 'Zucco' and 'getting back for what Grayson did.'

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now