020 sleepover.

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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 at the bottle in my hands as I slid it between them, I contemplated drinking alone. I decided not to. As much as I could easily crawl into bed and drink my sorrows away tonight, I didn't want Dick and the others pestering me m, concerned about my mental state. Dick had already caught me... doing whatever that was in the forest.

Kory had meant well with the gift, and she was right, I did need a drink tonight. However, I retraced my memories of the night over and over in my head. I liked Dick. More than I probably should. I didn't know I could ever like someone like this.

Emotions didn't come to me naturally, most were facades or manufactured but when Grayson was around? I found myself watching my every move, trying to make more jokes and get him to smile, watch out for any dangers and especially try to gather what he thought of me. After today, I doubted he thought much well of me at all. After today, I was surprised he hadn't ditched me at the curb and ran away with the group to cut themselves loose from me. No.

I couldn't have Dick thinking like that. I wouldn't. Before I knew it, I was headed to Dick's motel room, knocking on for him eagerly, my brows furrowed and the bottle clutched tightly in my left hand as I stood determined to plead my case. I hadn't thought  it much through.

This was made even more apparent when the door was opened to reveal Dick, still somewhat wet and fresh out of the shower, damp hair sitting on his head perfectly and a towel tucked in, loosely hiding his bottom half. That was a dangerous move. Risky.

"Dick, look I'm sorry I just needed to-." I didn't wait for my eyes to linger.

The longer I waited before talking, the more he could clock I was looking him up at down, though I doubted he wouldn't figure it out soon if he hadn't already. The son of a great detective and an amazing one himself, practically had it as a birthright, adopted or not, it became his legacy.

He cut me off. "What's wrong?" He seemed deeply concerned, his brows scrunched up as he stepped back a little as an invite into his room.

I suppose I would be concerned too after what he saw today and now this: me standing at his door frantically and holding alcohol and rambling and making myself look like i'm having a panic attack or going into cardiac arrest.

"We need to talk." I stepped inside, swallowing my sudden nerves and gaining a surprise rush of in-the-moment adrenaline. "Actually, no. I'm going to talk and you're going to listen."

"Um... can I get dressed first?" So he was aware he was half naked. Or at least had clocked it just now, good.

Part of me wanted him to cover up more so I could take this seriously and stop gawking for two seconds but the other part of me wanted to keep it in view as long as I could. There was an even darker smaller part of me that wanted him to stay as he was so I would hopefully get distracted and not have to speak and the more cowardly part of me wanted nothing at all but to run straight for the door and flee.

"No because then I might change my mind and not say what I need to." I made up my mind. "Besides I've seen Gar naked, nothing can shock me." I paused again. "Besides there's nothing wrong with a bit of eye candy to help the bitter pills go down easier."

I had no idea where my confidence was coming from. A cabinet sat on the side hosting two glasses, set up perfectly for this moment, the world finally giving us a moment to let us communicate instead of fighting for our lives or digging out own graves.

"You said earlier we could talk. We never did. We need to. Now." I begun to pour us drinks.

"What are you doing?" He stood in his towel still, as if he were running on shock and it still hadn't processed that he was fully nude behind one small rectangle of fabric.

𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐑𝐄 , nightwingWhere stories live. Discover now