The Bump

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Theo's Pov
I wake up to the sound of my phone when i remember that today is April the Fourth. That means that it is Four day. I grab my phone to look who texted me. I got a message from shai
I really miss her it's already two years after Allegiant and i never had the chance to say what i feel for her. I broke up with Ruth because she wanted to start over again. She wanted to move to The Netherlands well i love it here so i broke up.

Then i look at my phone again.
S: Aloha Theo Happy Four day❤
T:Hey Shailenie Beanie Happy Four day

We always text with heart emoticons but i don't think Shai means it the way i mean it. I really must stop thinking that way tho Shai is happy and we are friends but still i want to be more than friends!

After i took a quick shower i put one of my flannels and some jeans on and go outside to go to the grocery store.

I walk on the street thinking about Shai when i suddenly bump into some one "Sorry" i say with my British accent. "Oh no problem" wait a moment i remember that voice i think by myself. Then i look up and there she stands.

- hey sunshines my name is Anne
Well you can also find me on instagram as: @xbiggest_theojamesfansx
I am Dutch so that means that English is not my first lanquage so my grammer is not the best. Anyway i really hope you're gonna enjoy this story

Love, Anne

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