pregnancy test

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Shai's POV:
Its been a week since the magic happend.
I felt kinda sick these past days so I decide to do a pregnancy test. And here we are waiting for a result Theo stands beside me holding my hand.
after a few minuts the result is clear:

it's positive. Im pregnant.

"CONGRATS SHAI WE GET A BABY I'M GONNA BE A DAD" Theo says happy while dancing. I kiss him "I wouldn't want another man to be my baby's dad" it happend we are gonna marry and have a kid. After al these years of ignoring my feelings for Theo for feeling broken and lost, my dream comes finaly true.

"I love you Shai so much." Theo say's while stepping in his car. he has to be in Morocco for his new movie and I will come to see him next week, since i have to do some things at home.
"I don't want you to go Theo I just wanna celebrate with you. I know babe but I have to do this. I will see you in a week and we will facetime I promise. okay then I love you Theo, I love you too my beautiful almost wife."
We Kiss one last time and there he goes.

The next day i feel strange without Theo being here laying next to me.
I know work goes on but I mis him so much already. At this time my phone starts to vibrate it's a text from Theo

T: Goodmorning babe

S: Goodmorning :)

T: how is my almost wife doing today?

S: bad :(

T: and why is that?

S: just missing you so much :(

T: i mis you too shai,

S: ready for your first day?

T: yes ;) but it's hard without you.

S: you see me next week :)

T; that's true, I can't wait <4

This makes me laugh. Theo always sends me these <4 hearts even when we weren't together.

T: I'm sorry to tell you this but I have to go :(

S: It's okay I will take a shower and go to zoe.

T: I love you Tris <4

S: I love you too Four ;)

These days are gonna be hard. Me being pregnant and Theo being away.
But then the door slips open. I look up to see who it is.


I'm sorry this chapter sucks but yeah my inspiration is low today.
Anyway i love you all sunshines💕


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