party time

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It's Theo he comes in with many balloons some chocolate and roses.
"Theo what? Weren't you..." Before I could finish my sentence he kiss me right on the lips. "I know I would be filming but I called it off I can't let you be here on my own with my little baby in you" he says kneeling down and kissing my belly "so I called our family and friends to celebrate your pregnancy"!

i just stand there smiling my fiance organisising a party for me suddenly i feel tears running over my face. "Whats wrong princess?, oh the hormones I'm just so happy and I can't wait to marry you!." He gives me the roses the chocolate and the balloons and says " here you go my princess get ready for the party i will clean the house." that's what I love about Theo no matter what mood i am in he will always be able to make me smile and I never really thought about this but I think that's why i fel in love with him.

I stand in my room. Looking at what i should wear i chose a blue cocktail dress, I put some mascara on just a little bit because I am not a huge fan of make up. When I'm going downstairs I see Theo dancing and singing along with the music he put on to clean. I decide to grab my phone and film it. It makes me so happy to see him like this, then he looks at me smiling and filming here and he screams. "SHAI YOU SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME" I begin to laugh and start running he runs after me and when I'm near the couch he grabs me and before we know we're in this long sweet make out session.

After Dinner the first quests come in and hug me saying congrats to Theo and me. This feels so nice even though I have been at home the whole time I mis my family everyday. No matter where I go and Theo is away there is no second I don't think about how lucky I am to have him.

When everybodey is in we start talking. "So Shai are you hoping for a boy or a girl?, well I don't care as long as my child is healthy and I'm sure Theo agrees". By the look on his face I can say he does. "Shai and I can't wait for our kid to arive also I can't wait to marry my princess." Every one claps. It's such nice to have caring people around you no matter what happends. After we just spoke and ate some cupcakes Theo starts the music "It's party time!" I shout.

After an hour of two later all the quests are gone and Theo and I decided to watch tv for a little while, We lay on the couch in eachothers arms. "I can't believe we are a family now, I can't believe that we got together more early." he says looking at me. "Well you had Ruth and you were happy with her, and I understand because she is so nice." He smiles "yes but deep in my heart I always knew you were the one I would make a fimily with."

We kissed, cuddled and talked a little more. Suddenly I feel tired and I feel sleep taking over me. I am to lazy to stand up so I fall asleep I Theo's arms and the morning after I woke up the same.

Long time no update I'm so sorry a lot of things have happend. Like me turning 18 (yes i'm an aduld now) Allegiant comming out and me watching it multiple times and college off course❤😍

did you like Allegiant? I did I think by what they said it was close to the book but the actions are different but all with all I FREAKING LOVED IT!
I hope you all have a nice Easter and don't forget to smile and You Do you! 🌺



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