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This week was horrible every time i woke up i wanted to cry, eat and sleep. The hormones are really annoying me and i feel like Theo is stressed too. I mean i love having a baby but the hormones are just really stressfull.

"Princess do you want a cup of tea?" Theo yells from the kitchen. "Yes, please" damn what do i love this man he knows exactly when i need something even when im angry for nothing he still keeps calm even though i can see it's making him tired too.

Theo comes in with the two cups of tea and sits down next to me.
" here you go my princess" i kiss his cheek and take a little sip. And here i go again i cry "whats wrong babe?" Theo asks worried. " i just love you so much and I am such annoying with my hormones and things. And i just don't want to stress you out." he looks me in the eyes and says "it's okay hun i love you no matter what. You are carying my little prince or princess how can i stress about that? We are gonna marry soon and having a family on our own. I love you shai, i really do." He says while removing my tears

for a moment a just stare but then i kiss him and everything feels right again. but mostly i feel relieved because he is not annoyed with my hormones.

Soon we will get maried and have a family And maybe be stressed about it all. but for now i will just focus on my fiance and the health of my little sunshine. We will see what the time brings.

Heyo sunshines here is a quik update after a few months :)
I am still really busy with college and this is my last semester of this year so that means exams and finals. I really love it that you all are patient and that you dont let me down 💕
I will still be busy this few months so i will try to find a free moment to update i might even update tomorrow again :D

I love you all sunshines



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