going home

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Theo's pov:
After two long days of pain and being lazy laying in a hospital bed i can finally go home, Shai helps me by pushing me in the weelchair. "Watch out for the Tree Shai, i still wanna live." She laughs at me "you may be a lazy dork but i still love you the same for it" she plants a kiss on my cheek and i smile. "So what do you wanna do today? Well okay you can not do really active things so maybe we should just take a walk at the park". I nod in agreement

"So i gathered some yummy food and some hot tea for my poor baby boo.."
Baby boo hmm not the kind of words i wanted to be. She bows infront of me to get everything out the bags she brought. i see her big yummy ass in front of me. "Shai don't let me come out of this damn wheelchair to slap your ass" and at that moment she pushes my wheelchair far away from her, it's going in the derection from the lake "Shai help me" she turns and laugh "you said you can still use your own hands" oh yeah thats true i can stil stop myself.

After a wonderful day with Shai at the park and a nice diner at a fancy restauraunt we're watching a movie called Paper Towns. This remembers me of my own roadtrip with friends, we all made jokes and it was so fun damn i wish i could go on a roadtrip again with Shai. "I should go to sleep" Shai says yawning. "You should do that are you helping me upstairs? and she shakes her head "oh yeah i forgot i have to help you becase you are so lazy because you broke your leg you think you are the king". "Well i kinda am Shai" she smaks my arm "hey watch it or i would break my arm also" and she smaks again.

I fall asleep with shai's head on my chest. And i wake up the same way

Hey sunshines long time ago i updated i'm sorry for that i went to London and after that i quickly went to France and now i'm updating haha anyway ily all


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