The accident

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I wake up to the sounds of pans falling on the ground "oh no" i hear Shai yelling. It makes me laugh.

I sneak sillently behind her and put my arms around her "ahhh Theo don't scare me like that" and she punch me. "Ouch" that didn't relly hurt but still i say ouch.

"Breakfast is ready babe" she yells while i watch tv "Can you bring it to me please?" She shakes her head laughing "you better get of your lazy ass and grab it yourself mister!" I laugh "or what?". "You want breakfast or not?" Put my hands up "okay okay i grab it myself" i walk to the kitchen but then Shai grabs my breakfast and runs around the house with it.

"Hey give it back!" I yell "come and get is mr. Lazy ass" thats it. And i run after her.

"Finally now can i have my breakfast?" I ask when she stops running "what's the magic word?" Ugh. "May i please have my breakfast shai?" She gives it to me.

After the breakfast i grab my stuff and make myself ready to go to work i signed up for a new movie and the filming starts today. "Have fun today Theo" she says and kisses me soft on the lips. "You too my darling" i give her a hugg and walk to my car.

I put the radio on while driving. "I'm begging you gor mercy, yeah, yeah" i sing with the radio. The traffic light turns green and i ride forward but then i see a car riding trough the red light and everything turns black.

Shai's pov:
I'm thinking of Theo who is probably filming now. But then i get a call from the hospital. Hmm what happend this time? And i pick up

S; "shai speaking"
H: "miss woodley? I have some bad news for you you're boyfriend Theo james got in a car accident u have to come now!"


Hey sunshines short update for today. Sorry for not updating i was really bussy with graduation exams and i graduated yep i have my highschool diploma✌
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
If you have any tips ar anything you want to read leave it in the comments and maybe i will put it in my next update ily all

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