Telling Them

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Zoe, Shai and i walk in this fancy restaurant called cuatro, the name of this restaurant let me think of a joke i made in a interview, i smile.

"So welcome everyone, it's so nice to see you all, yes it's been a while but i like to see you again." Neil says raising up his glass "cheers" we all yell at the same time.

When everyone is done with eating i look at Shai and she smiles it's time.

"So i want to tell you all something, Shai and i are dating now and i'm so glad i found her after two long years of ignoring my feelings for her and i missed you guys so much." They all clap i laugh while watching them.

"Finally Sheo is real" Miles shouts.
"sheo?". "Yeah that's our names just in one silly" Shai laugs smacking my arm and we all laugh.

After we said goodbye to everyone Shai and i get in the car. "Damn i'm so hungry" Shai repeats after an hour "okay, okay i get you something but can you please stop complaining" then she kiss me on my cheek "you're the best boyfriend ever!" She smiles "oh yeah i know" she smacks my arm again and i laugh.

"So do you wanna go to PizzaHut?" I ask "let's go Crazy, Crazy, Crazy till we see the sun" uhmm okay "Shai?" I wave in front of her eyes "oh i'm sorry Theodore that was just my song, what did you ask again?" She is so adorable when she does that "if you wanna go to pizzaHut?" She shakes her head "i'm not that hungry anymore just drive home" hmm that's weird shai not being hungry anymore.

"Alright we're home let's go to bed it's already 1:46 am" i say yawning "but i'm hungry" what she just said she wasn't hungry and now she is again is she on her period or something?
"Okay, so what do you wanna eat then?". "I wanna eat you!" She laughs. "Me?" With that she runs to me i run away, she jumps on my waist and we start kissing. "Let's.Go.To.Bed" shai say's inbetween the kisses.

I lay shai on the bed and she takes my shirt off. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" I take her shirt off. "Yes Theo i want to become one with you." She winks. We take eachothers pants off, then i take her slip off and she takes my boxershort off. I put on a condom and she looks away.

"Ohh Theodore" she moans when i enter her. "I love you so damn much Shai" move back and forth. "Please never stop Theo" and we do it till we both come.

"That was so good" yeah it really was good. "Yes it was Shai" i kiss her soft on the lips "Night, Night my lady" she smiles "I Love you Shai." I close my eyes and right before i fall asleep i hear her say "I Love You too Theo"

Hey sunshines,
I passed my graduation exams so i'm gonna graduate july 2nd ya$$$ college here i come! I hope you enjoy this story if you hae any request just comment some

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