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Theo's pov
"Theo?" Shai asks when she sees me and she gives me a big hug. Damn i missed thos hugs from her "Hey Shai i'm sorry i'm such an idiot" i say and i mean it. "Hey it's okay i am  just surprised to find you here. Why didn't you tell me you were here?" I look at her and say "maybe i can explain it with a cup of tea at my place?" She smiles and nod

We arive at my home. "What a nice place do you have Theo" she is so lovely damn i have to tell her what i feel for her but i'm scared that she doesn't feel the same.

I give her a cup of tea and go sit next to her "so how are things going?" I ask hoping that she is gonna tell me how much she loves me which she probably won't. "Yeah i'm great i have a little break now and i hang out with friends a lot. I was actually planning to visit you in London but surprisingly you're right here" was she really planning on visiting me or is she just saying this because she doesn't want me to be sad?
"Yeah i came her after i broke up with Ruth i really wanna tell you but i don't know why i didn't" i look in her beautiful eyes. Of course i know why i didn't told her because i knew i would only be this sad man without a girlfriend who told her that instead of loving his ex he would say that he loves her and that i have been feeling this way from the start.

"Theo? Are you still there?" She waves with her hand in front of my eyes. Realising that i have been looking in her eyes the whole time "huh yeah?" She laughs. damnshe really turns me on now. "I was asking" if i wanna be your boyfriend.  "If i can use the bathroom" i smile "of course it's that way" i point to the bathroom door.

I can hold it in any longer i really have to tell her and quick. after five minuts of thinking how i'm gonna tell her she comes out of the bathroom calling with someone. "Yeah no i know babe" babe who is babe? " yeah listen i gotta go." Hmmm who is she talking to? "Okay bye."

"I'm sorry that was my ex asking if i wanna date him again" i nod "so what happend with Ruth?" i look down and tell her what happend. That we had a fight and that after the fight she wanted to start over and wanted to move to The Netherlands. And that we got into another fight so i broke up. She listen quiet to it not saying a word. That's one if the things i like the most about her. She listens to your whole story without saying a word. Ruth always used to say things without listening to me i don't know why but after all the fight i am glad that we broke up.

After telling the story shai gives me a hug and lays her head on my shoulders " i missed you Theo" i smile at her "i missed you too Shai" and i really did. We spend the rest of the day talking about what we did those two years and what we still wanna do.

After a Hour Shai has to go i gave her a big hug. "Well i guess i see you soon" she says still hugging me and i can feel she smiles "yess i see you soon" then she let go of me and walks to her car.

I'm gonna tell her soon. I still don't know how but i'm gonna do it and with that thought i fall asleep.

Authors note
Ya$$$ another update so my kik squad and i made a vid from ourselves lipsyning the song kanye and my friend sheo_fourtris_ edit the vids and it is awesome❤ i hope you have a nice mothers day and i love you all

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