Cast Dinner

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It's three days later and Shai and i have a Divergent series cast dinner tonight. It's been two years that i saw them leaving and now we finally meet again.

As i walk to the living room i hear Shai speaking on her phone. I hear a loud speaking voice saying "Shai you bring your love with you right?" It's Zoe. Off course the cast still don't know that Shai and i are dating we are planning to tell them tonight.

S: yeah off course i bring my love
She winks at me while saying that and i hug her fron behind.
Z: did you hear anything from Theo yet he is still comming right?

S: off course he is comming he won't let us down like Miles!
Miles couldn't come since he is bussy filming a new movie.

I wear my flannel and just some jeans. Shai is still bussy with her long blonde hair that i love so much. I put my arms around her and lay my head on her shoulder. "You look stunning my lady" she turns around to face me and smile.

"Are you ready?" I ask as we are both done dressing ourselves. "Let's go oh and do you have the addres?" She asks.
"Off course i wouldnt forget that." She laughs "well i just make sure you have it cause the last time we were going somewhere we got lost on the middle of nowhere"

We finally came on the destination and i turn the engine off "i said it we didn't got lost this time" and she smacks my arm.
"Let's see our castmates"

"SHAILENE" Zoe yells running at her.
"Zoe it's been ages how are you?"
"I'm great so where is your loverboy?"
Then she looks at our strengled hands
And shape her mouth in an o.


Heyo sunshines yes it's been a few days since i updated but i was really bussy anyway i hope you guys like this chapter and i try to update soon. Alright i love yah guys <3

Anne :D

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