stress and cake

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The next months we start planning the wedding. like which guests should we invite and at what place should we marry, but today we go out to find our wedding cake and with all the stress I think this might be a good day because cake is my superpower. I love cake since the day I was born and I know Shai also loves cake so this will be a fun day.

"Honey are you ready yet?" I ask Shai "Yeah just a minute!" While I get the car keys Shai comes downstairs "you look really lovely today miss almost James. Oh I'm not as hot as my almost husband" at that comment I wiggle my eyebrows and we are ready to leave.

"You really can't wait to taste some good cake do you?" Shai says laughing, I give her a smile back "you know me too well that if I see cake i run to it." We both laugh. Like I said this is going to be a fun day without the stress.

Once we arive at the cake shop Shai winks at me. She knows me way too well sometimes it's hard because she can use it against me but I know better she is just trying to make me laugh and have a good time and that's why I can't wait to marry her.

"Good afternoon can I help you?" The lady after the desk asks. "yes we are looking for a nice wedding cake. Okay sure you can follow me and take a seat while I will get some paper and a pen," we wait and one minute later she returns. "So what kind of cake do you want?" Shai looks at me and I nod. "we are looking for something fun but also natural. Okay and what collor do you want the cake? just clasic white i answer"

We said what we want and now It's time to taste some cakes. I smile at Shai and give her a kiss "sometimes you are just like an eight year old" she says laughing "and how is that my lady because I am Four" she smacks me playfully and then the lady returns with three pieces cake.

"Oh Theodore this one is delicious I can eat it all day if I have to this is the one Theo this is the one!" Shai says when she takes another bite of the vanilla chocolate cake. I totally agree with her.

After we taste and explained which cake we want we thank the lady and walk out happily. "You wanna spend the rest of the day at the beach?" I ask "yes let's do that. I really love this day but I live you more than anything thankyou for making me complete Theo" I kiss her and I don't exactly know for how long but she is worth every minut of my life she makes me one or should I say she makes me Four.

Hey sunshines,
Yes U updated again because I saw a lot of votes on my story and I decided to update :)
Also today is the one year anniversary of me and my friends
There usernames ElviraLind3 and sheo_fourtris_ they are my sunshines our journey started one year ago and it will continue as long as we live
I hope you like this update and I love you all sunshines


A crazzy girl named Anne.

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