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Theo pov:
I wake up by surounding beeps.
I still have my eyes closed but i feel a soft hand holding mine. Shai. I smile and hear her say "oh god you're alive i thought you were going to die, Are you okay? I open my eyes just when the doctor came in.

"How are you feeling sir?" She askes "i'm fine just a lot of pain in my right leg" she shakes her head and Shai smiles at me to make me feel better, "my name is Amy i am your doctor you've been in a car acident and your right leg is broken and your hand is bruised." I shake her hand my leg is broken how am i able to work like this?

After the doctor walked out of her room Shai press her lift on mine. "Oh Theodore you scared me please don't do that anymore i love you" how did i know that this would happen i can't do anything about it. "I love you too babe".

We hug for a long time. "Can you call Amy i have too much pain i want Pain killers" Shai nods in responds and runs to Amy "u want pain killers sir?"
I nod in agreement. "Okay so we decided to let you stay for two days to look how your leg is healing and to make sure u take your rest."

"Theo?" Shai asks after a long time "yes my dear?". "I love you" ahww she is so sweet for me i m so lucky to have her in my life. "I love you too babe" thanks to the pain killers i can take a nap. Shai wanted to lay on my chest and so she did. I'm so lucky that i'm still alive. How would it be if i died how would Shai feel? No no i can't have this thought i push them away and try to catch some sleep.

Heyo sunshines,
Quick update before i go to sleep if you have any requests for a new chapter please comment them ;)
Also i just ordered a penny board and i can't wait to try it whoop whoop

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