pizza date part 2

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"YES THEO I WILL MARRY YOU" shai answers. Im so lucky to have her and now she wants to marry a dork. "Come here babe" i say hugging her.
We eat our ice cream with a smile and leave.

"So ive been thinking a lot" she says on the ride back "okay tell me babe. Since you're my fiance now i really wanna get a new apartment with you.that sounds good to me!" I've always wanted an apartment with her i mean she is my fiance.
"So where do you wanna live? Well i just wanna stay in california at the beach i've searched up some houses and there is one that really got my attention" she says smiling i think this gonna be a great time.

Short update im really sorry for letting you wait so long im really busy with college and i can gladly say that i made it trough the first semester my highest grade is an A and my lowest is an C+
I hope you enjoy this story


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