pizza Date

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A/n this chapter is a few months later i hope you like it ;)

Im standing for the mirror looking at my suit im gonna take Shai on a Pizza date she loves Pizza just like i do
"Babe are you ready?" I walk to the bathroom where shai is making herself ready "yes i am. Do you have the keys?"," yes i have beautiful" we walk hand in hand through the city the Pizza place is located in the beautiful LA. I have a big surprise for shai. I was at the jewerly store and bought a beautiful engagement ring i have it in my pocket.

"Oh honey look at this view this is such a nice place you found" shai says smiling we both ordered our own pizza i have a salami pizza and Shai has a organic pizza, sometimes this whole organic thing stress me out bc i'm not that organic but if my girl wants that she gets it thats just the way it is.

"Ohh im so hungry serve the pizza already.", "ahw Theodore just be patient it will come in a minut or so."
She just looks beautiful with the sun beam shining on her face.

After we ate the pizza its time for ice cream this is the moment where i will propose with her and i hope she says yes it will make me the luckiest man on the world.

I see the ice cream comming this is my sign i wait till the set it on the table. "Shai before you eat i wanna ask you something."," sure what is it Theo" i kneel down on one knee and grab the little black box out of my pocket "Lovely Shai we both know how much i love you and that this should happen a few years ago but im glad we aited cuz now i'm sure we belong to eachother i hope you feel the same way,
Dear Shai will you marry me?"

She smiles and cries
And then she answers "Theo.........

Hahaha im so evil her answer will come next chapter so today i have a pizza date and thats why i came to this i hope you like it ❤

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