the Beach

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I wake up thinking of Shai.
I didn't get much sleep cause my friend Matthew kept calling me telling me storues about his date with the girl of his dreams Blair.

I was just about taking a shower when i phone rings it's Matthew again
T "heyo with Theo"
M "Matthew speaking"
M "i wanted to ask you if you wanna go to the beach with Blair and me
Yeah to see you kissing and hugging all the time.
T "sure what time?"
M "let's say 2 o'clock"
T "okay buddy see you
M "see you"
So i have two hours to get ready

I take a shower brush my teeth and take on some swimming trunks and a black tanktop. Get my stuff and After that i walk to the beach cause it's only a 5 minut walk.

"Theoooo Matthew screams as he see me walking on the beach. I walk to them and sit down. "Hey i am Blair" she is not so tall and has beautiful long brown hair. "I am Theo nice to meet you" she smiles at me and i smile back.

"So do you guys wanna swim?" Asks Matthew after we talked about how life is going and what we do for work and stuff like that. "Yeah the first one in the water wins" screams Blair and with that we all run to the water. I run so fast that i fall on the sand. Everyone laughs and so do i.

"Theo idiot are you okay?" Someone asks i know her wait is that Shai. I stand up and look at the one who asked if i was okay it was Shai.

"Yeah i'm okay" i laugh.
"So what are you doing here on the beach?" She looks at me with her mouth in a woah shape. "I'm here with my friend Matthew and his girlfriend Blair. I point at the playing couple in the water. "Oh i see do you want me to come with you in the water?" I thought she would never ask that i nod and run into the water.

I splash water on Shai and She splashes back. So i swim underwater let her sit on my shoulders and throw her in the water. When she comes up she tickles me and i can't stop laughing and screaming "Shai stop" she laughes so hard that she suddenly farts. "Oh my gosh what was that Shai?" She looks ashamed "that was me throwing a rock in the water" i know she farted but thats okay bc Shai is beautiful no matter what she does.

After a hour we are still in the eater playing and laughing with eachother when Matthew and Blair are already home. "Theo you're such a silly person" shai laughs when i act like an Elephant and spit out water on her.

"Its so cold in here" Shai says i swim to her and hug her tightly she lays her head on my shoulder "i missed this so much Theo. Do you remember when we were swimming in the lake and Ruth and you played so wild that she had a blue spot on her ass" i laugh of course i remember but Ruth and i are done now and all i want is Shai.

"Yeah i remember that" i murmur as she hugs me tighter. She looks into my eyes and i look back thats my sign. I lean in and Kiss her and she kiss me back.

Hey sunshines,
I take a short break from writing cause i have graduation exams and i need my focus i am still on kik if you wanna talk to me. My kik is
I hope you like my story and please give some tips how my story can be better. I love you all

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