the Beach 2

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I feel butterflies filling my stomach when we kiss in the water. This is al i want the see,the blue water and shai she makes me feel alive.

When it's getting cold we decide to walk around the beach. "I have to tell you something" i begin "i..i like you Shai no what i don't like you i love you." I look straight in her beautiful hazel eyes.

She looks at me with a smile and grabs my hand "i love you too Theo"
I smile back at her and hug her tight.

We sit back on the towel watching the sun go down. "This is so amazing" shai lays her head on my shoulder.

"Shai?" I ask when the sun is almost down. "Yeah Theo" i can feel her smile against my shoulder "will you be my girlfriend?" Then it's quiet.

A minut later she looks at me "how can i say no to a goofball like you of course i wanna be your girlfriend i thought you will never ask that" i smile and kiss her.

I pick Shai up and throw her over my shoulder running around. "THEO IDIOT SET ME DOWN" i set her down and we both laugh.

When the sun is down i collect my stuff. And walk home with Shai "do you want me to walk you to your home?" I ask "can't i just stay with you Theo?" Shai staying with me in my bed hell yeah! "Of course you can" she smiles at me.

A moment later we both lay in bed under the covers. Shai is next to me and is my girlfriend my day can't be better

Heyo sunshines
here is a small update yeah i know this is not really good but i'm trying anyway go read the new summary from my friends new sheo story sheo_fourtris_
I love ya all

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