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Shai has a audition today for a new movie i stay here alone bc i really can't do anything with my broken leg.
"SHAI CAN YOU HELP ME GET UP I WANT BREAKFAST!" i hear nothing "SHAI!" then she storms in the room. "WHAT WHATS WRONG? ARE YOU OKAY?" i chuckle "Yeah can you help me get up i want breakfast. You are such an Asshole i thought you fall on the ground or something!" She helps me getting up "i love you Shai. Yeah you better will!" I give her a quick peck on the lips.

A few hours later i sit at the couch watching tv while Shai is doing audition i hope she does well but i know she will cuz she is Shailene. Then i get a call
"Theo speaking"
"Hey hottie i just dis audition i hear it tomorrow"
"Thats great honey"
" okay i go home right now i see you soon"
"Okay i love you!"
And then she hangs up

I can't wait till Shai is home i want to cuddle with her all day i love the way she cuddles and smiles at me.

She go sits next to me. "I missed you girl how did the audition go?" She smiles and gives me a kiss on my cheek then she walks to the toilet. Ugh i hate it when she does that just letting me nervous. She comes back and says "it went well but i wished you could see it."well i wish i would but yeah me the king sits with a broken leg and i can't do anything bc of the pain." She smirks.

"So what do you wanna do?" Uhmm let's watch a movie?" We look eachother in the eyes and we kiss i love evenings like this watching movies and cuddle all night. What Shai doesn't know is that i wanna marry her and now i'm sure she is the one for me we would make great babies and raise them like good boys and girls and give them all they need.

Hey sunshines sorry for not postong i know this chapter is a little boring but i think i have a writers block so if you want something in a new chapter just comment!
I love you all

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