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A/N: tsukasa is a hall monitor here idk why but my brain has incorporated that thought into my belief system

no trigger warnings i think????? just ruikasa gay people




"We have to talk." Tsukasa said, hands on his hips as he looked up at Rui (and wasn't that humiliating?). "About... Everything."

"Ah, I understand, Tsukasa-kun. How about we meet on the rooftop during my math class?" Rui said, patting his head in a way that almost felt condescending. Tsukasa only sighed, knowing he'd only given Rui a good reason to skip class.

That was partially the reason he was here. Rui's off-handed confession had been keeping him horrified and overall concerned for the past few days, knowing that Rui spent so much time on the rooftop.

On his own. With no one else watching over him. The thought made him shudder.

"I'll let you off the hook this once. But you better be there, or else your betrayal will be forever engraved in my memory!"

"Fufufu, of course. You can take my word, Tsukasa-kun."


To no one's surprise, Rui was there before Tsukasa. He was an expert at skipping class, after all, while Tsukasa probably had to think about it instead of spontaneously disappearing like he did.

The view is pretty nice from up here. This time, he means it, unlike how he'd said it to hide his true intentions to Mizuki back in middle school. Kamiyama's rooftop is very similar to the one from his old school, and the view doesn't go back on that. It really is quite beautiful.

Rui only had to wait a few minutes until Tsukasa arrived. Knowing him, he was probably making sure he'd have someone to pass the class notes to him later; Tsukasa actually put in... somewhat of an effort into his studies.

"I was beginning to think you wouldn't arrive," Rui smiled, still trying to delay this conversation as long as possible, regardless of whichever topic came up. "Maybe not even leave the classroom at all. I know how much you hate missing out on things going on in your class."

Tsukasa, however, knew him and by extension his tricks, and cut straight to the point. "Rui."


"Did you mean it?"

"Mean what?" Rui asked, confusion sprawled across his face. That wasn't the opening statement he had been expecting.

Tsukasa took in a deep breath. "What you said. At the SEKAI. When I..." He complimented his sentence with vague hand motions, "...was up here. There."

Ah, yes. This was the exact same building as the one in the SEKAI, plus the proper fencing it was supposed to have. Rui's mortal enemy, really. Literally.

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