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A/N: sorry for the delay, christmas preparations were CRAZY and the motivation to just lay around and do nothing all day was high. i'll try to stay on schedule, trust

anyways, another chapter, and we're getting to see more of nene rn!!!! she's kinda off to write so i hope she isnt too ooc lol

sorz for short chpt again. next few will be better !!! 

"What do you mean he's not with you, Akiyama-san, I swear to god—"

"Nene-chan, I'm serious! He's not here, I wouldn't lie about that— especially with what's going on with Tsukasa-senpai, too!" Mizuki waved frantically in front of her tablet camera in an attempt to calm down her rooftop friend's unofficial babysitter and neighbour. They had been casually working on an MV after pulling an all-nighter when— boom! Incoming call, Nene Kusanagi!

Mizuki couldn't tell if she was angry, desperate, worried or all three; they were, too, but they weren't nearly as panicked as Nene was, not in the slightest. "What if he just went out somewhere and didn't tell you?"

"It's been two days. Two! I gave him yesterday as an off, but I've sent messages upon messages— Nightcord, LINE, just regular text— nothing! It's like he vanished off to a whole other world entirely!" Nene didn't have her camera on, but Mizuki could imagine her rummaging through Rui's house— which she had said she was in. Mizuki's not sure if Nene has an extra key to his house or if she just broke in anytime she needed Rui for anything.

She assumed the former, but hey. You never know in Shibuya.

And especially, you never know with the SEKAI kids. I mean, meeting Hatsune Miku herself is already enough to alter anyone's brain chemistry forever, but also having your secrets be dug up and being the owner of an entire other dimension was pretty mind-altering too. that they think about it...

"A whole other world?" Mizuki echoed. "Have you checked your SEKAI yet, Nene-chan?"

Nene made a little noise of shock, before remembering that Mizuki knew about their SEKAI and had been there already. Mizuki felt weird, too— it was strange talking to someone other than their group about SEKAI.

Nene cleared her throat before answering; "I haven't yet. That's... a good idea, actually. Do you reckon the Virtual Singers might know where he is?"

"Probably." Mizuki shrugged, twirling their digital pen in their hand. "They are technically part of him, right? Even if Tsukasa's the SEKAI's main creator. They're probably at least aware of how he's doing."

"You better be right, Mizuki, or, I swear I'm going to murder you after I'm done with him."

"Got it, Nene. Stay safe?"

"You too. Don't you dare go missing like all these idiots." [Call ended, 10:45 minutes].

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