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While Melody drives to school she thinks back to last night when they told Sheriff Stilinski about the deadpool.

Stiles, Scott, Melody, and Sheriff Stilinski all stand in Sheriff Stilinski office, the trio telling him about the deadpool.

"It's a Deadpool." Scott tells him, making the Sheriff look at him confused.

"A hit list of supernatural creatures." Melody explains to him while Scott pulls a folded piece of paper out of his pocket, unfolds it, and sets it on the desk for Sheriff Stilinski to see.

On the paper is a list of names of supernatural creatures with numbers next to their names, "This is only part of it, the rest still needs to be decoded." Scott tells him.

"Who found the list?" "Lydia." Stiles tells his dad. "How?" He asked, confused.

"She wrote it." Melody answers him this time.
"Well actually transcribed it, without realizing it." Stiles corrects, causing her to glare at him.

"Banshee?" "Banshee," Stiles nods. "Beautiful." Sheriff Stilinski comments sarcastically.

"Alright, what are these numbers next to the names?" He asked them, confused.

"We're getting to that, be patient." Melody tells him. "But first you need to know the list was broken with a cipher key." Stiles finished for Melody.

"Wait, you mean like a...like a keyword?" He looked at Melody.

"It's actually a name." Stiles corrects him.
"What was the name?"

"Allison." Scott tells him sadly, making Melody look down with tears in her eyes, thinking about the person who was like a sister to her.

Sheriff Stilinski looks at the girl that's like a daughter to him sadly before pulling her into a hug.

"Her name broke a third of the list," Stiles says, breaking the silence while he looking between Scott and Melody sadly.

"And now we think there's two other cipher keys." Scott finished for his best friend.

"Which will give us the rest of the names." The Sheriff Stilinski realizes, not letting go of Melody, knowing even though she says she's fine she's not.

"Okay, how do we get the cipher key?" He questions the boys.

Stiles shrugged, "Same way we got the code." Stiles tells his dad. "Lydia." Melody speaks up for the first time since Allison was mentioned.

"Lydias has been at the lake house with Malia and Kira all weekend trying to find the other two cipher keys." Scott finished for her.

"You didn't know about Demarco or Carrie, Hmmm?" Sheriff Stilinski asked Scott while reluctantly letting go of Melody.

Noah picked up the paper, "How about these other two names on the list? Uh, Kathleen Bettcher and Elias Town, They werewolves too?" He asked Scott.

"I don't know." Scott answered. "But Deaton said the Nemeton would draw supernatural creatures here." Melody finished for him.

"Here being Beacon Hills or Beacon County? The population of Beacon Hills is just under 30,000-"

"And dropping," Melody and Stiles comment sarcastically, making their dad look at them with a little glare and a sarcastic smile.

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